Bed Solutions for Small Bedrooms

Last Updated on February 24, 2022 by Kravelv

Yes, we all wish for a king-sized bed that is big enough for the whole family to sleep on. Unfortunately, few are blessed with big enough bedrooms that can fit such beds, among other furniture. Sometimes you have a tiny room that can barely fit all of the essential elements and you have to find creative ways to make the most out of the available space.

One of the things you have to focus on in your bedroom is the bed. After all, you definitely want a comfortable place to sleep on, and there is no way you should make any compromise with that. With creative modern designs, having limited space in your bedroom is no longer a problem when it comes to bed equipment. Following are some ideas you should definitely consider:

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  • Trundle bed – the trundle bed makes an excellent option for small-sized rooms. The design is basically a bed that can roll from under a sofa or another bed. The general idea here is that the bed can be kept under till time for using it comes. It’s basically one big (and usually very heavy) piece of furniture, which serves 2 purposes. The upper bed can come in many forms, most typical of which is it serving as a sofa. This design allows you to utilise space in a great way. Keep in mind that this isn’t the typical piece of furniture you can just easily lift when need for cleaning service comes around.

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  • Wall bed – wall beds have been largely known as pull-down beds or fold-down beds. Some also call them Murphy beds after the creator of this clever furniture – William Lawrence Murphy. The idea of this bed is that it can utilise the vertical space in your bedroom, because it can be stored vertically against a wall. Often times wall beds are featured in vertical cabinets. Nowadays you can find creative sets, which feature not only a bed piece, but also a whole set of extras, such as desks, shelves or wardrobe flanking the construction. Sure, you may have a more difficult time maintaining such set as far as cleaning is concerned, but just think of how much space it can save you. You can utilise the space the bed opens when it is not in use however you wish.
  • Bunk bed – this is one of the most common bed solutions for a bedroom of two children. The design basically features a bed stacked over another, often with four pillars as support. All designs also feature some ladder for accessing the second bed. Railing of some sort that surrounds the ‘second floor’ ensures the safety of the person sleeping there. This is certainly one of the most common options for children bedroom you can consider.

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  • Futons – traditional futon is basically a mattress on the floor, but modern design has expanded greatly on this idea. Western versions of this traditional Japanese bedding include a frame, which holds the mattress. This allows the futon to serve other functions, such as a sofa for example. Cleaning service around futons is generally easy. If you need professional cleaning help you can always hire experienced sofa cleaners to do that.

Consider all of these bed options in order to make the most out of your small bedroom. Never fear that small rooms cannot be made comfortable and welcoming. Just be creative and you can make that a reality.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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