Organizing Small Spaces: 10 Simple Tips For A Tidy Home

organized clothes in bins and baskets

Last Updated on June 13, 2023 by Kravelv

Do you have issues organizing small spaces in your home? Are you constantly struggling to keep it neat? If so, you’re not alone.

One of the most challenging parts of living in a small space is figuring out how to keep it organized. It can be easy for a small room to become cluttered and chaotic quickly. However, it’s possible to keep a small space tidy and clutter-free with a little effort.

 Here are seven tips for organizing small spaces:

1. Use Baskets And Bins

Baskets and bins are two of the most versatile and affordable storage options. They come in various sizes, colors, and materials, making it easy to find ones that coordinate with your home’s décor. Baskets are ideal for storing items such as towels, linens, and out-of-season clothes. You can also use them to corral smaller items such as books, magazines, and toys.

Bins are perfect for larger items such as sports equipment, holiday decorations, and tool kits. You can also create additional shelving space in a closet or pantry. When selecting baskets and bins for your home, look for ones made from durable materials such as wicker or plastic. Avoid using cardboard or paperboard boxes, which can quickly become damaged or disintegrate under heavy use. 

2. Get Rid Of Clutter

One of the quickest ways to make a small space look cluttered is to keep too many things out in the open. If you find that your home is starting to look like a dumping ground, it’s time to get rid of some of the clutter. Go through your belongings and get rid of anything you don’t use or need. You can donate items to charity or sell them at a garage sale.

Same-day Rubbish Removal is a great way to quickly and easily eliminate unwanted items. Once you’ve eliminated the clutter, you’ll be amazed at how much more spacious your home will feel.

3. Use Vertical Space

In a small room, it’s important to make use of every available inch of space. This includes vertical space. Utilizing the walls in your home is a great way to maximize space and keep your home organized. There are several ways to do this, such as installing shelves or hanging hooks.

Shelves are ideal for storing books, knick-knacks, and picture frames. They also provide a great way to display decorative items. You can use hanging hooks to store various items, such as coats, purses, and hats. Therefore, you can free up floor space and keep your home organized by using vertical space.

4. Keep Surfaces Clear

Surfaces must be kept clear to keep small areas organized. This means items shouldn’t be left out on countertops, desks, or other flat surfaces. Instead, they should be stored in cabinets, drawers, or other storage containers. Not only does this help reduce clutter, but it also makes cleaning the surfaces easier.

When surfaces are clean, dust and dirt have nowhere to accumulate and can be easily wiped away. In addition, clear surfaces give the illusion of more space, making small rooms look and feel larger. Therefore, if you want to maximize the space in your home, keep surfaces clear.

5. Make Use Of Underutilized Space

There are many areas in the home that tend to go unused. These areas can provide valuable storage space if utilized properly. For example, the space under the bed is often empty and unused. Therefore, you can use this space to store out-of-season clothing, extra linens, or other items you don’t use regularly.

Similarly, the space above kitchen cabinets is often empty. You can use this space to store holiday decorations, extra dishes, or other items you don’t need to access daily.

6. Buy Less Stuff

One of the best ways in organizing small spaces and to keep your home organized as possible is to buy less stuff. The less stuff you have, the less there is to organize. Therefore, it’s important to be selective about the items you bring into your home.

men unloading boxes

Only purchase items that you need and will use regularly. This will help reduce clutter and make it easier to keep your home organized.

7. Keep It Simple

When it comes to small spaces, less is more. When trying to maximize space, it’s important to keep things simple. This means avoiding excessive decoration and sticking to a minimal color palette. It also means avoiding clutter by storing items out of sight. When you keep things simple, you’ll find that your small space feels more open and inviting.

8. Eco-Friendly Organization

Organizing a tiny area should prioritize sustainability in addition to maximization of usefulness and aesthetics. Sustainable practices not only lessen one’s environmental impact but also provide for a more pleasant and peaceful home life. Here are a few eco-friendly suggestions:

Upcycling: It’s called “upcycling” when you find a new use for outdated furniture or decorative objects. Repurpose a piece of furniture by painting it, turning an old suitcase into a storage bin, or converting wine crates into decorative shelving.

Natural Materials: Bamboo, repurposed wood, and organic fabrics are just a few examples of the eco-friendly materials you may use to furnish and decorate your home. These selections not only help the environment but also give your home a classic and earthy look.

Energy-Efficient Lighting: Reduce your electricity use and your monthly utility costs by using energy-efficient light bulbs or LED fixtures. Reduce your use of artificial lighting by making the most of daylight hours.

Smart Energy Management: Installing programmable thermostats and smart plugs may help you keep track of and reduce your home’s energy use, which is especially important if you live in a smaller place.

Sustainable habits not only help you create a beautiful and well-organized home, but they also contribute to a greener future.

9. Furnishings with Multiple Uses

Furniture that can serve more than one purpose is a must in cramped quarters. Try to choose multifunctional furniture that may help you save both money and floor space. Here are few cases in point:

Sofa Beds: Invest in a sofa that can quickly change into a soft, comfy bed for visitors.

Foldable Dining Tables: The leaves of a foldable dining table may be extended as needed or stored away when not in use.

Storage Ottomans: Choose ottomans with concealed storage spaces for storing linens.

Convertible Desks: Choose convertible desks that can be used as both a work surface and a storage unit by adjusting their height and collapsing when not in use.

Furniture that serves more than one use is a great way to get the most out of your space without creating unnecessary clutter.

10. Visual Tricks for Space Enhancement

Making a room look bigger than it actually is is a neat trick for making the most out of limited space. Use these visual techniques to create the illusion of more room:

Mirrors: Mirrors reflect light and provide the illusion of a bigger space when placed correctly. Mirrors, whether hung on walls or placed opposite windows, provide the illusion of depth and a sense of increased space.

Transparency: Choose acrylic chairs or glass coffee tables, both of which are see-through. These pieces include openings that let light through, making the room feel more spacious.

Vertical Stripes: Use wallpaper, drapes, or area rugs with vertical stripes. The use of vertical lines can trick the eye into seeing more height in the room.

Open Shelving: Change up your locked cabinets with open ones. With nothing to restrict the eye’s movement, the open layout creates the impression of additional space.

Organizing Small Spaces FAQs

How can I create separate zones in an open floor plan?

Make use of furniture placement and carpets to demarcate spaces visually. You may use things like screens or bookcases to divide the space. Differentiate zones with varying levels of illumination, for as by hanging pendant lights over dining tables or installing desk lamps over workstations.

What are some tips for organizing a small kitchen?

In organizing a small space kitchen, use organizers like pull-out shelves, cabinet door racks, and vertical dividers to make the most of the space in your cabinets. You may hang magnetic strips or hooks on the wall to store your knives and other cutlery. Extra space can be found in the hollows of cabinet doors. A wall-mounted drop-leaf table or mobile cart fitted with a cutting board will help you make the most of your available counter space.

How can I make a small bedroom feel more spacious?

Pick a bed that doesn’t take up a lot of visual space, such as one with drawers below. Mount lights on the wall instead of using a nightstand lamp. Choose a wall-mounted desk or shelving to free up floor space. Put in closet space-saving hooks and dividers. To make a room seem larger, lighter colors should be used, and mirrors should be placed in key locations.


Organizing small spaces is both an art and a science. Using the advice in this article, you may make your little home into a place of efficiency, beauty, and order. Keep in mind that the secret is to adopt minimalism, maximize storage options, divide the space into zones, utilize light and color wisely, place furniture in a thoughtful layout, and inject your own sense of style. You may make the most of even a modest dwelling by giving it cautious consideration and meticulous preparation.

Therefore, it’s important to take things one step at a time. Slowly but surely, you’ll be able to create the organized and clutter-free home you’ve always wanted.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
