Last Updated on June 11, 2022 by Kravelv
Whether you, your partner, or another member of your household is currently, or else permanently, living with an issue regarding accessibility, the last thing you want this summer is for them to be unable to join in the numerous garden parties and barbecues you will no doubt be hosting.

So, with this in mind, continue reading to learn of five relatively simple ways to create a more accessible garden.
1. Iron Hand Rails
Especially if your garden and backyard are on a significant slope, one of the easiest and surprisingly most affordable ways of instantly making your outdoor space substantially more accessible would be to install wrought iron railing from the back door into the main garden itself.
In addition, there are a multitude of ways in which you can make the new handrails blend in with the existing themes and styles of your garden, and you could even consider investing in some flowering climber plants to grow around the bottom rungs of the rail.
2. Upgrade to Composite Decking
If you currently have an old and tired decking layout in the garden, you may well understandably assume that moving forward, such a structure cannot be accessibility friendly.
However, you can indeed modernize and upgrade your decking to that of a composite decking material, which has a non-slip format and is specially designed, due to its combination of synthetic materials, to prevent the growth of mold and algae.
3. A Ramp
The installation of a ramp, or a gradual slope, is another fantastic way of making your backyard considerably more accessible, especially if a member of your family, or indeed a close friend who frequently visits your home, regularly uses a wheelchair.
If you are thinking of introducing a gradual slope or ramp into your garden, you should always ensure that the gradient you create is around 1:12 and no steeper.
4. Garden Edging
There is a wide range of different materials you can choose to use to either make your own garden edging or else visit your local hardware store and make a bee-line for, all of which will make your flower beds and other ornate areas of your garden essentially roped off from the lawn.
This way, any loose pieces of gravel and bark will be kept in the right place and will keep the existing lawn and the pathways and stepping stones in your backyard clear of debris.
5. Make Your Own Hanging Baskets
Not only will making your own hanging baskets be a fantastic way to introduce the color scheme you have been hoping for in your garden, but it will also result in more space and free areas in the garden itself.
Flower beds, and in particular, plant pots, can be a serious hazard for both children and adults with accessibility needs, and lifting them into beautiful arrangements in several hanging baskets or more will still afford you the beauty you desire without the potential accessibility problems.