Last Updated on October 22, 2024 by Kravelv
The most frequently used door in your home is likely the garage door. It goes up and down constantly, especially if you park your car in the garage or have a busy household. With such frequent use, it’s natural for your garage door to experience some wear and tear over time. However, you can reduce the need for garage door repair by performing regular maintenance. Ideally, you should schedule garage door maintenance every month. Here’s how to go about it to keep your garage door in top condition.
Frequent Visual Assessments
Perhaps the easiest and least time consuming way is to frequently check your garage door and ensure that everything is in perfect working condition. Give it a proper look over and do it on a relatively free day for example a Sunday. A simple visual assessment at times can important in identifying lingering issues that might be affecting your garage door.
Door Opener Maintenance

Source: Wikimedia
For those of you who have an automatic door opener, it is necessary to have a proper checkup of the door opener as well. Detach it and see if the garage door opens and shuts without much effort manually. If any issues are experienced, contact a trusted repair and installation company, like Kings Garage Doors, or similar in your area who will be able to fix or replace this for you.
Scanning the Sensors
In case you have a photo or eye sensor, you need to ensure that it’s working properly by regularly doing maintenance checkups. Bring an object close to the sensor and see if it detects it, clean it with a dry cloth, and in case if it still does not work call a professional to repair it to avoid an unpleasant situation from developing. I recommend using the services of Abstract Door as they are one of the best around.
Reversal Mechanism
Surprisingly many garage doors still do not have this feature; if you on such garage doors then you need to have it replaced pronto. What you need to do is place an object in the middle of your garage door and closes it with the door opener, if the system works perfectly then the door will reverse. In case it does not do that, call a technician ASAP.
Battery Checking
Automatic garage door openers use batteries to operate, and hence it is common sense to understand that they will refuse to function if the batteries run out of juice. Doors can get jammed due to this, and to avoid having to experience such a situation make sure that you regularly check on the batteries.
Lubricating the Hardware
Different parts of your garage door need lubrication, usually it’s the springs and joints that need to be lubricated after a month or so.
Properly Opening and Shutting the Doors
Many individuals are careless or just too lazy to properly shut the door, and hence it is essential that you properly close the door all the way. Not only a door left ajar can be an invitation for burglars and thieves to infiltrate your premises, but this can also ruin the functionality of your garage door.
Park Your Automobile at a Safe Distance

Source: Pixabay
Many times, I have seen Individuals Park with reckless abandonment. I once saw one of my friends reverse into his garage door and leave a huge dent in the process. Do not be that person; leave enough space between your garage and your car and park at a safe distance.
Educating the Family About the Proper Use of Garage Doors
Being a parent I myself set out strict safety guidelines, and I feel it’s pretty important to let toddlers know that what can be harmful for them, and hence I recommend educating your children about the proper procedures of opening and shutting the garage door. This way they not only get to stay safe but at the same time they learn as well.
Proper Use
And finally the most important and yet simple thing which many of us neglect to do, and that is the proper usage of a garage door. Many a times I have seen people pushing on the door openers buttons for no reason, and children using the garage door as a monkey bar. It is better to exercise caution and maintain your garage door properly otherwise it might end up costing you a significant amount in repairs.