5 Tips To Maximise Your DIY Productivity

Last Updated on March 31, 2022 by Kravelv

So you are keen on doing DIY around the home but often find that you don’t have quite enough time to do all the little tasks and projects you would like. Perhaps you find yourself procrastinating or focusing too much on one aspect of a job and then before you know it, it’s the end of the day and time to hang up those noisy tools.

Whatever the reasons, if you are having trouble doing as much as you want to when you DIY either decorating, renovating or are just working on little fixes or anything else; we are here to help. In the following post we will highlight 5 great tips that will help you to maximise your DIY productivity in 2018 – to help you get those jobs done you want to get done.

Make A Schedule

We know how boring that sounds, but trust us, if you want to really knuckle down and get some great DIY work done this year, you need to have a plan of action. Make a schedule – not just a little scrap paper list of things you ‘might do if you have time’. We are talking a proper schedule. In fact, you could even print it out to give it more gravity and a more professional appearance.

Don’t just work out short-term goals and projects, think about the projects you want to work on in the long-term and plan them out.

When thinking of the perfect timing for a DIY project, you can set it on your days off or late night or early morning hours to avoid distractions. For late-night DIY projects, they shouldn’t be noisy activities. If you need to use tools that would create too much noise, it’s better to do them in the daytime. The best nighttime DIY projects include art crafts and sewing jobs, such as making dream catcher handcrafts and crocheting.

Check What Tools and Equipment You Have (and What You Need)

If it seems like the first two tips do not involve any working yet, that is deliberate. A lot of what goes towards ensuring that your productivity is increased is in the planning stages. So, once you have a good idea and schedule of the tasks you want to take on, you need to look at the equipment, accessories and tools you have and what you need.

Don’t leave it to second guesses. Before you go to a store or start shopping online, look in your decorating store and your tool shed or wherever you keep your DIY equipment and gear, and check that you have all the things you need. Make a list of everything you have, and then you will have a better idea of what you need to include in the list of things you need to buy.

The tools and equipment you may need to prepare before starting a DIY project may include basic carpentry tools and power tools. Also, you need hardware supplies like nails, screws, and a cable clamp. Investing in high-quality supplies, tools, and equipment is highly recommended for DIYers for long-term use. You can save money from having to repair and replace poor-quality tools.

As well as keeping everything nice and clear and on paper, this will also stop you from spending too much money, particularly on things you don’t actually need because they were at the back of your cupboard already.

Always Make Sure You Have The Correct Clothing

That should also so ‘and if you have the right clothing, make sure it is clean and dry the night before the day you intend to do some DIY’. You don’t necessarily have to buy protective clothing for every little bit of DIY you do, but you do need to make sure you are careful. Boots are often one way that play is stopped before it even begins.

Have you ever got up and been raring to get on with working in the garden or on that cabinet you keep saying you are going to sand down; only to discover that your boots are wet? Frustrating isn’t it, because you then just call the whole thing off and do something else, less productive.

You don’t have to give in so easily though, you just have to make sure your boots are dry! One of the best ways to do this is by investing in a high quality and affordable boot drier. They are relatively simple to use and will always help you to be prepared to follow through on the promises you made to your partner and your schedule.

Give Yourself The Time and Get Rid of Distractions

This might mean you have to say no to your friends or encourage your partner (and kids, if you have any) to vacate the house or area you are going to be working, until you have finished. But, trust us, it will be worth it and not only will you feel proud of your achievements; but your family and other members of your household will undoubtedly appreciate the hard work you put in.

You can get rid of distractions during your DIY project by setting up a cordoned-off work area if you have limited space. If you have a wide backyard, you can install a work table outside for better movement and more workspace area. While you can use an extension cord to plug your power tools, it’s best to use cordless tools for faster and easier outdoor DIY projects.

Enjoy It

DIY is something you really should do if you get some enjoyment out of it. The best way to be productive when working on things around the house yourself, is by trying to find the joy in the tasks.

If you see it as just a chore, you will probably not be motivated to get on and complete it quickly.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
