Is It Time to Replace Your Windows?

Last Updated on February 15, 2022 by Kravelv

is it time to replace your windows

Winter proofing your home should have been completed by now, but it is never too late to have your windows replaced. Replacing your windows could lower your bills in the coming months and make your home properly shielded from the brutal winter elements.
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There’s nothing more comforting in winter than to know that your home can keep you and your family warm and dry throughout the season. Fortunately, this is very possible. You can start with replacing your windows. On the other hand, you don’t want to spend at least $10,000 on replacement windows when your current windows are still in excellent shape.

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The best thing to do before making a decision is to check whether your windows need to be replaced. Here are signs that say you should definitely call your local contractor:

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  • Foggy windows – If you can see condensation forming on the glass, then you need to get energy-efficient windows that are designed to reduce, if not eliminate window fog.

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  • Frequent maintenance – Many of our clients have confessed to having spent too much on repairs, thinking that they could still save their windows. They could have very easily invested in new windows using the same amount of the money spent on repairs.

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  • Visible signs of aging – If it looks too old to even function, have pity on your windows and let it retire. Not only will it fail in keeping you warm, but it will also affect your home’s resale value.
  • You are still using single pane windows – This particular type of window is the least energy efficient of all. You’re better off with new, double, or triple pane windows.

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  • Windows do not open or close with ease – Aside from the inconvenience it causes you, if you can’t open or close your windows like before it is an indication that it has passed its prime. Old double hung and single hung windows are usually the ones most susceptible to this problem.
  • You can hear your neighbors talking outside – If you notice that you are hearing outside noises with unmistakable clarity, then you have outdated windows, and not enhanced hearing!

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  • Your energy bill is just ridiculously high – If heating and cooling costs are becoming more and more expensive, then you may have either an inefficient furnace or windows. You might want to have both checked.

While these signs indicate that you are ready to have your old windows replaced, you should call your window installer now, as there are also many others out there who also want to have new windows as the temperatures drop.



Author Bio:

Justin Bartley belongs to Next Door and Windows production team, the group of staff responsible for ensuring that the clients get what they pay for. He loves digging into details and thus has developed a deep understanding of home improvement principles as his career progressed.



Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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