5 Actionable Ideas To Deal With Small-Window Woes

Last Updated on February 17, 2022 by Kravelv

Most American homeowners dream of spacious homes with large windows that let the sunlight seep in and offer a lovely view. But it isn’t easy to achieve this dream when space is a luxury in the country and small homes are more common than large living spaces. When you run short of space, you cannot expect to have large picture windows. It can get frustrating when this design element seems out of reach. But the good thing is that you can capture it as a décor element with some effort and investment. Here are some actionable ideas you can try to address small-window woes.

sunlight going through the window on living room

Get started with curtains

The simplest way to make small windows appear larger is by dressing them up with the right curtains. Light-toned curtains give you a good start because they let the sunlight in and make an impression of openness. Choose fabrics like net and cotton, and opt for height-enhancing patterns such as vertical stripes. These patterns create an illusion of height as they draw attention upwards to downwards. Steer clear of thick textiles, bold prints, and vibrant colors.

Opt for bold moldings

Another budget idea that makes your windows appear larger is the use of bold moldings. You can easily add some extra inches to the size by installing a broad casing around them. They make the area pop out and enhance the decor. You can opt for materials such as wood or vinyl, depending on your budget and preference. The installation is quick and does not cost a fortune.

Get replacement windows

If you are serious about customizing the décor of your living space, consider replacing the small windows with larger ones. Although it sounds like a lot of work, the project will not burn a hole in your wallet. If you live in New Jersey, you can find a contractor for installing replacement windows in NJ within your budget. One that offers complimentary estimates and ensures a quick turnaround time is an ideal choice. Consider it a small investment for ramping up the look and feel of your living space.

Give a decorative quality

You can accentuate the windows by giving them a decorative quality because it can create an impression of a larger size. For example, switching to stained glass with vertical patterns can do the trick. Hang pretty wall art on both sides of the window to bring attention to the area. You can create a gallery wall around it with family pictures. Just add an element of interest, and you are good to go.

Play with furniture placement

When there is nothing much you can do about the size of a window, you can play with the furniture placement to do the trick. Placing a table, console, or sofa right below it gets the attention to the furniture piece.  Moreover, it appears that you have a long window behind the sofa or table. Get creative and try a makeover by moving the furniture until you find the perfect arrangement.

These ideas work for all tastes and budgets, but replacement is the ideal long-term solution if you want your place to look airy and well-lit. Connect with a contractor and ask for an estimate sooner rather than later.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
