A Simple Guide to Building a Home

Last Updated on November 11, 2021 by Kravelv

When building a home, it doesn’t have to be a daunting experience. The process of construction can be broken down into a few straightforward steps to better help prepare you and give you an understanding of what’s involved and where, to begin with, your building experience.

You’re not alone, having an experienced professional in your corner will help with all the questions you have when it comes to property and building your dream home. Having a builder guide you through each step of the process will make the journey less stressful and will be rewarding and fulfilling to get more information with regards to a property valuation. Our team is here to help you.

building house

Before you even begin construction, there is a lot of paperwork as well as legal documentation that needs to be organized and approved beforehand. This is where your pre-construction plan will come in, finding a builder that will finalize all the details for your home design this may include,

  • Inclusions
  • Colors
  • Material style selections
  • Land suitability
  • Floor plan options

When it comes to any changes that need to be made will add to your timeline which can delay the construction process and cost you more money that you may not have budgeted for. Your builder can provide you with a time frame on the process from planning to finalizing and construction deadlines.

Keep in mind once you have got approval and signed all final documentation, you will need to pay the prescribed deposit of 5% to get your new home underway.

The Process of building a house

Below is a breakdown of the stages of the building as well as the timeline involved in building your dream home.

1. Base stage

This stage is all about preparing your block of land so that it will be ready to be built on. The land is the foundation of your home, and this will involve

  • Leveling on the land
  • Excavating
  • Underground connections (plumbing, electrical, stormwater systems)

Once all these steps have been completed the concrete slab for the foundation of your home will be poured ready for the next stage of building.

Timeframe: 1-3 weeks

2. Frame Stage

Once the concrete slab has dried the next stage is creating the skeleton/shell of your home following your approved floor plan. Marking and construction of the walls, roof trusses, window, and door frames will all be completed and would need to be approved by a qualified building surveyor.

Timeframe: 3-4 weeks

3. Enclosed Stage

 This stage is the locking upstage. Where the process will focus on external areas of the property, such as

  • Windows
  • External doors
  • Roof coverings
  • Gutters
  • Brickwork
  • Walls

This process is about bringing shape to the exterior of your home. Plumbing and electrical, air conditioning, vacuum systems, and security will also occur at this stage.

Timeframe: 4 weeks

5. Fixing and Fit out Stage

Depending on your builder the fixing and fit-out stage will be combined at this stage.

Fixing stage

This involves all the internal details being installed (fixed) into your home.

  • Wall plaster
  • Ceilings
  • Skirting boards
  • Internal doors
  • Stairs
  • Kitchen
  • Room cabinetry

Waterproofing will also be completed at this stage and once an inspection has been conducted and approved can you commence with the next part of this stage.

Fit out Stage

This stage is completing all paintings and final design features will be installed such as

  • Shelving
  • Tiling
  • Cabinetry
  • Cornices
  • Benchtops
  • Tapware
  • Mirrors
  • Shower screens
  • Garage door

The finalizing of all electrical, plumbing and security can be installed and completed. A quality management inspection will take place and has been certified for next stage approval

Timeframe: 5-6 weeks

5. Practical Completion Inspection (PCI)

Lastly, all painting, installations, and detailing done, the house is ready for your approval and inspection. You will walk through the property with your builder, who will break down all aspects and demonstrate all features and functions.

At this stage, you as the owner will need to note any defects and anything that was not approved by you at the planning stage before signing off on the property the builder will need to amend these defects and changes before your second inspection.

Once you’re happy with the results and all final payments have been settled, you can now prepare yourself to move in after two weeks.

Timeframe: PCI work varies, often between 2-8 weeks this all depends on trades, customer and supplies, and availability of all materials.

6. The Handover

And finally, the best part of all, the handover of keys, this stage marks the end of your home building journey, now it’s time to move in and make yourself at home.

Following this guide will give you a better understanding of what is expected in the whole construction process as well as the expected timeframes. It all depends on the type of property you are building as well. Keeping in mind seeking advice from professionals is key to staying on the right path as well as saving you time and money. Your home is the biggest asset you will own so it’s important you take all the necessary steps to protect yourself and the future of your investment.

As we mentioned, a property valuation is an essential tool for any homeowner to have. There are multiple reasons in which you would need a valuation completed. Do your research and speak with our team today and see how we can help you on your property journey.


Author Bio:

Samantha Grant is a specialist in her field and has been working within the property valuation industry for over 20 years. As a Senior Valuer, Samantha is an authority in all forms of residential, commercial, and industrial valuations and has served as an expert witness in high-profile litigation proceedings. Samantha’s professional knowledge is often utilised in industry conferences, seminars as well as performing guest lectures as an industry expert.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
