20 Tips for First Time Home Buyers

Last Updated on January 5, 2023 by Kravelv

Have you been thinking about buying your first home? If so, you need to prepare yourself for the many challenges you may face during your quest for the perfect home. Buying your first home can be stressful, but with these tips; you can ensure that the process goes as smooth as possible. This should be an exciting event that you want to make the most of.

  1. Before placing an offer with any home, ask yourself if this is the home you can see yourself for the next 10 years? Does it provide enough space and all the amenities you’re going to need? Will you be able to maintain or increase the home value over the years?
  2. How much home can you afford? You do not want go overboard with the price of the home. You want something you can safely afford. This is something that you need to know well in advance so you don’t look at homes that are out of your budget. If you really love the house you saw, you can always do some private money loans. Do a quick search on Google for experts and hard money lenders in your area to help you out.
  1. Be realistic with expectations. Within the price that you can work with, know what you could get with the house in that range. Expecting too much might put you behind on the home search.
  2. Work with a realtor that you trust and can speak comfortably with. You don’t want to be pressured into buying a home you don’t like, or pushed into one to cut down on time searching for more.
  3. Research the many types of funding out there before going with just one. You want something affordable, while also seeking out grants that can help cover some costs.
  4. Always read the contract with the mortgage company to verify that everything says what it should. We are only human and humans do make mistakes, so check for them!
  5. Check out the neighborhood before buying a house. You’re buying into the view, the neighbors, the area and not just the house. You also need to check the neighborhood out at night and on weekends to see how the security around the house is and how safe you and your family will be if you buy the house.
  1. If you’re going to hire a local general contractor or doing any big renovations within your new home, it is always ideal to hire professional contractors for the job. They ensure that your homeowners insurance covers any damages that might come from the renovation, as well as having it done correctly.
  2. Look beyond the staging or items within a home. Picture your items there instead. This can change the way you view the home and whether you want to buy it. Their items may look nice, but will yours?
  3. Have a large down payment set aside. this is going to help you get the ball rolling when you find a house and secure a mortgage. When you’re prepared, they’re prepared and you just might close quicker.
  4. Always have an emergency fund on hand because homes can be unpredictable. You don’t want your furnace to break in the middle of winter and have no cash to fix it. Be prepared with a backup fund.
  5. Take your time when it comes to searching for a home. It’s not a race and you’ll find something you want to buy soon enough.
  6. Don’t buy the perfect house, since nothing is ever perfect. You’ll find this out when you move in and see the house differently. You want to buy the right house, not the perfect one so there is room to move. Once you buy your home, you will have plenty of time to work on the design to really make it yours.
  7. Be careful when buying flip properties since these might cost more than what you bargain for. You may not be getting the best deal, so always shop around before deciding on this one house.
  8. Get pre-qualified early on, so you’re prepared when the time comes to purchase. You’ll know what you want, what you can get and who to get your mortgage from all in one pre-approval.
  9. Deal with your debt before home searching. This can come back and bite you later. When your debt is gone, you’ll have an easier chance securing and signing for the mortgage.
  10. Make a wish list of everything you can’t live without in a home, and items you’d like to have but are not necessary. This will help your agent narrow down options for you.
  11. Timing is everything in the housing market. Make sure you’re buying in a more positive, low rate market to get the best deal and find the best priced homes.
  1. Lock in a rate that suits you. You want to go with something lower, if possible. The rates change as well, so a floating rate could change the interest you pay on your home from one day to the next.
  2. Be as organized as possible before the big move. Start going through items during the house search and minimizing what you have. If you need to move a piano or other heavy or bulky item, be sure to hire a good mover who can handle everything safely.

These tips for first time home buyers should help you stay firmly on the right path towards your new home while pointing out common ideas that can assist you on your path to home ownership. The more you learn ahead of time, the better chance you will be able to find and buy the house of your dreams while staying within your budget and cut down on stress along the way.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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