7 Signs your AC requires professional repair in Jacksonville, FL

Last Updated on November 3, 2021 by Kravelv

The weather in Jacksonville, FL is warming up. You would not be 100% confident about your AC unit’s performance. You may even wonder whether it would perform smoothly just like it did last year. Well, if you are in this dilemma, you have to schedule the best air conditioner repair in Jacksonville, FL. When was the last time you contacted the experts for AC repair or maintenance? Are you noticing an issue that has a chance to affect its overall performance?

Jacksonville, FL AC service experts have shared the common warning signs that call for immediate AC repair. If you are noticing the following signs, call and schedule for AC service without hesitation. The professionals will do a perfect job that you can remain relaxed throughout the summer.

AC repair signs that require instant action!

1. Failure to blow cold air:

If the air circulated throughout the vent is not cold or not up to the mark, it means the system is functioning hard to keep temperatures contented. It can also result in various causes like duct leakage, condenser issues, low or leaking refrigerant. To rectify, look out for AC service near me or in Jacksonville, FL on the internet and choose the top AC repair expert for the job.

2. Bizarre sounds:

AC units are manufactured to function quietly. If you are noticing noise louder than normal while functioning, mainly like banging, grinding, or metallic screeching noises, it indicates that there is something not fine in the unit. Bizarre sounds happen due to debris, loose belts, or broken components. If you are finding strange noises, you have to call an air conditioning contractor and get it checked. The AC repairmen guides in avoiding significant unit damage.

3. Water or moisture accumulate in strange areas:

The system is developed to stay dry most times. If the system is wet, there are odds of mildew and mold in the unit and house. Are you noticing any leaks in the system? It means the unit is suffering a broken or blocked condensate drain and it is best to take fast care and attention.

4. Poor airflow:

The fan is in charge of circulating that cool, lovely air all over the ductwork. It can fail due to various issues and can intensely affect airflow, varying from the defective fan control board, bad blower motor, or dirty air filter.

5. High cooling bills:

The largest energy consumer in every home is the air conditioner. Last year, it may have functioned well. However, this year, if you are noticing a spike in energy bills, you have to call the experts and take care of the system. High electricity bills are the basic indication of air conditioner repair in Jacksonville, FL.

6. Thermostat problems:

At times, there would not be an issue with the system. Due to the improper functioning of a thermostat, your air conditioner would not be functioning well. Some of the obvious signs you would be noticing are uneven cooling around the house or different temperature zones all over the house. By hiring a knowledgeable HVAC team, you can easily rule out the thermostat issue within few hours.

7. Funky smells:

Are you noticing funky smells in your air conditioner? It can arise due to various problems like mold growth within, burned-out wire insulation, or pest infiltration. Ensure to spot the real issue quickly and safeguard your family’s health.

Neglecting AC maintenance can result in several issues!

Higher than usual utility bills, uneven cooling, freezing up, odors, poor airflow, and short cycling can be ruled out by doing regular air conditioner maintenance. For example, air filter replacement would not take more than five minutes. It is one of the simple maintenance procedures you can do to avoid various costly repairs.

Besides, you can also call a reputed Jacksonville, FL AC repairmen like Weather Engineers once in three months to perform complete system maintenance. It is mandatory mainly if you have pets and children in your house. Do not hesitate to approach the professionals as they offer services more than your expectations or needs. They would not feel awkward to remove the dirty or old air filters out from your system. Call the Weather Engineers team and get a quick AC performance evaluation today.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
