Last Updated on February 15, 2022 by Kravelv
On what other matter can an ordinary man set his mind during this particular time of the year, than sunbathing and swimming and to do that you don’t even have to travel somewhere. Just put your swimming pool to good use. You will, of course, have to refresh it, and giving it a new coat of paint is always a good place to go, but in order to do that, you will need to sandblast it and remove all the traces of old paint. Here are few tips on how you sandblast your pool.

Make Room and Protect Your Pool
Your first step should obviously be to drain the pool, if there is any water in it, and leave it to dry. You should also remove all the drain covers, ladders and lights, which can eventually obstruct you while sandblasting. Anything that can’t be removed should be covered with lots of duct tape, or whatever protection you find convenient. Apply this solution for tiled areas too and use several layers of duct tape if needed. Finally, ensure that flow control, nozzle shutoffs and air shutoff are closed and get ready for the next step.
Apply the Sandblasting Medium
First, take filter valve off and once you do that make sure that the pool is properly filled with sandblasting medium. Which one you will use largely depends of the type of the pool you want to sandblast. Most of them are either fiberglass or concrete. According to my local retailers of swimming pool paint, fiberglass pool will demand flint shot for blasting, while concrete ones, for the nature of concrete’s reasonably harder surface, use slag-type medium. Now you will have to put the filler valve on and be sure to keep your hands over it once you open the air valve. After 20 seconds tank will produce enough pressure and the filter valve should be able to stay in place on itself.

Sandblasting the pool
For the start, you will have to move to the deep end of the pool and hold the blasting hose at the right angle to the surface, which shouldn’t be more than half a meter away from you. Now, open the nozzle shutoff valve and the flow control valve until you release enough sand to achieve desired effect. You can start with floor of the pools’ deep part, then move to the stairs and finally blast the walls. Move slowly and maintain the distance we mentioned above and everything will be alright.
Continue doing this until you have swept across whole surface of the pool. Be sure to slowly close the flow control valve when you are done and close the nozzle shutoff valve. Once you have checked that the air shutoff valve is closed, you can open the pressure-relief valve. Aquabot Pool Rover is a great choice that comes with an impressive list of features to deliver the best cleaning performance for in-grounds. All you have to do now is to remove all the debris and the dust from your pool. The debris goes into the dual high-capacity filter cartridges. This allows the vacuum to maintain strong suction even when the filter cartridges are full and remove the dust from your pool. Now wash it with a hose very thoroughly. Finally, you can remove all the duct tape and plastic.

If you followed these steps, everything should go according to plan and your swimming pool should be ready for the application of paint. Sooner you accomplish that task, sooner you pool will be ready for use. So, what are you waiting for?
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