Five Tips To Rocking A More Modern Look In Your Home

Last Updated on March 2, 2022 by Kravelv

The contemporary look is all the rage nowadays. People are looking for clean, sleek designs that maximise light and minimise fuss. Not only can be a comfortable, relaxing aesthetic to live with. It’s also a lot more flattering of your home, providing you do it right. So how do you go about making sure you have the modern look nailed down in your home? There are a lot of answers to that, all of which best work when they’re all working together. So let’s take a look at how some of the experts are designing contemporary homes and learn some lessons.


The absolute first rule of having a contemporary design to your home is getting the lighting right. Older styles tend to go for warm yellowish lights, but you want to aim for a cleaner white. Not a stark white since that can go too far into the clinical angle. Position lighting above the centre pieces of furniture. This is so that any shadows are cast directly under them, instead of across the room. Finally, where you can, let as much natural light in during the day.


The reason you want good light and as little shadow is as possible is to give a feeling of spaciousness. This is the core of why the modern look is so appealing and relaxing. The idea that you have all that space laid out before you to relax in. The opposite of clutter. So you want your furniture arrangements to represent that. Keeping furniture in a central area in the living room, for example. Everyone’s kept closer, but there’s plenty of room to manoeuvre around it all as well.

modern look

Photo at Pixabay


Modernity is about keeping things nice and convenient as it about keeping it spacious and well lit. A modern aesthetic falls a bit flat if you don’t have the right tech to go along with it. Home control technology is naturally all the rage these days. Have your lights, heating and electronics connected to the same remote. Take the hassle out of managing your home to really make it represent the best of modernity.


Getting modern also means getting with the times. Right now, the times are turning dramatically in the direction of more sustainable homes. LED lights should be installed and water saving faucets put in place. So too can you rely on new sources of power. Solar power can be a reliable way of cutting bills and taking your home into the new age. All you need is a reputable solar panel installer to help.


It’s not just technology that can be a lot more convenient. In keeping with the theme that convenience is a modern luxury, apply that to your furniture, too. For example, modular kitchens are easily installed, sleek and minimalist in design. If that doesn’t speak to the idea of a contemporary home, then what does? Modular options for all kinds of furniture and fittings are coming out nowadays. We’re excited to see what else they can add in future.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
