Knowing these 6 secrets will make your Verandah Designs Look Amazing

Last Updated on March 2, 2022 by Kravelv

Verandah is an open but roofed area in front of the house that helps you prevent the elements of nature such as sunlight and rain from directly coming in contact with the main entrance and the building as such and thus prevent the damage. When you want to do innovative designs for your verandah, you can apply the following techniques:

  • Make Plans: It is extremely necessary that you first make it a point that you develop the plan for this project. The total carpet area of your home, and the area that you require for your verandah, need to bear some parity, as you need to make a layout for the maximum utilization of space and money.
  • Match the Verandah with your Interior: Make sure that the verandah that you design goes well with the interior of your home. It should feel and look like it is the continuation of the house and no a separate part. The harmony created in this way will not only make the verandah look beautiful but also make your house look larger. In case you are using stones, tiles and brick designs in your verandah, make sure not to overdo with the designs, as they can tarnish the entire look of the rest of your home. Simple designs and less elaborate features will go well with the rest of the rooms.

Outdoor Verandah

  • Keep the foundation to the same depth: Your house and the new verandah that you are constructing must have the same depth. This is important because if the foundation is of different depth there is a possibility of distortions. This will bring about visible cracks and will not look very decent.

Get the Fittings right and make the Verandah space comfortable to Walk or Sit:

  • Get the proper Fit: It is important that the fit of the verandah is very good. The walls and the roof of verandah should fit the dock of the house properly so that there is no leakage later on. Also you should not put a lot of load over the frame of the verandah and this aim can be achieved having a thinner roof as compared to that of the house.
  • Make it pretty and Comfortable: Generally, the wall in the verandah has a lot of windows so you cannot place furniture that has height. In case you want to use shades, curtains or tinted glass on one side of the verandah, you can also keep small plants and flower beds under these shaded regions, and put some chairs and tea tables on the other side. For controlling how much sunlight should enter your house you could use curtains either made of cloth or of jute and other natural materials.
  • You could use this space for having morning tea and evening snacks. For this you could put a breakfast table that could be foldable with chairs to match. A few potted plants will add life to the decor.
  • For a small verandah, a small table and two chairs will make a good seating arrangement. You could use climbers and wines to decorate the pillars of the verandah.

Verandahs Designs

Use Swing or Hanging lights to decorate your Verandah:

For those who have ample space, placing an indoor swing will work wonders you could add a little color by using bright colored cushions and you will have the perfect look and comfort at the same time.

For the houses that have big verandah one could use the whole space to make it comfortable by having big cozy sofa with a nice center table to go with it. The use of hanging lights and wall hangings along with plants that could be placed inside or outside the verandah or to make it better the use of hanging potted plants will add that drama and much needed freshness.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

One Reply to “Knowing these 6 secrets will make your Verandah Designs Look Amazing”

  1. I hadn’t thought about making the verandah match the interior of the home! That seems like a great way to make sure that it acts as an extension of your house. We have been thinking about doing something similar to that first picture so I’ll have to show that to our contractor.

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