How to bring spring to your home with home decor

Last Updated on March 2, 2022 by Kravelv

Spring is a favourite season for many people, new beginnings, fresh flowers, it is a very exciting and endearing time of year. With spring in the air you might have already started to make some changes, you may have put away your winter coat and boots or given your home a nice spring clean.  If you feel like this isn’t quite enough, and/or if you have been considering making some decorative changes to your home, why not give your home a spring injected makeover using spring themed décor.

Looking at popular living room design trends, a spring-related feel is one of the favourites right now and the fun and fresh feel it brings is very appealing and easy on the eye.  What’s more is it is easy and can be quite a cheap look to create, if you do it right.  To create a spring feel you need to consider the furniture, accessories and most important the décor of your room. To help you to design the perfect look, concentrate on the following areas:

Re-paint and/or re-design the walls

spring home decor

To bring a spring feel to your home your walls ideally need to have a light, neutral tone to them, white or tones grey is perfect for this. If you want the wow factor or would like to create a feature wall, why not consider buying a spring feel removable wall sticker, something floral would be perfect.  This is a great idea as the stickers are easy to remove and replace (or take with you if you move) and they don’t cost too much to buy.

Lighten up your fabric

Look at the fabrics you have in and around your home, or the room you want to re-design with a spring feel, this includes the curtains, pillowcases, rugs, throws, and upholstery in furniture.  Change anything that looks dull or dark, is made of a heavy and warm looking material, basically anything that doesn’t scream spring to you. Change anything that looks dull or dark, is made of a heavy and warm looking material, basically anything that doesn’t scream spring to you. If you are looking for soft throw blankets, you can visit


Consider giving your furniture a new lease of life by sanding it down and re-painting it or staining it a nice, light shade. If your furniture is old and bulky and simply won’t fit into a spring themed room, consider getting rid of it.  You don’t have to buy new furniture, go on the hunt for some second hand furniture that you can fix-up with a bit of DIY and make look wonderful in your space with some TLC.  Also think about the little details, things like handles on drawers can make all the difference.

spring furniture

Once you have made some changes to your living space, using the above as a rough guide, you can really put the icing on the cake by adding some spring accessories, to compliment your spring décor.  Adding things like potted plants, vases of flowers, bowls of potpourri or water with pebbles in, and white candles can make all the difference.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
