Top 5 Tips For Keeping Your House Clean in the Fall

Last Updated on March 29, 2022 by Kravelv

Some may be dreading the moment it arrives, but when seasons change, it is the perfect time to do an all-round house clean up. When fall comes, doing a thorough clean up is an absolute necessity. Some of the responsibilities that were long forgotten, again become relevant when autumn leaves start to fall. This time around, we are not only going to deal with the interior but the exterior as well. Here are our 5 tips for keeping your house clean in the fall:

1. Clean those gutters

The beautiful thing about fall cleaning is that you get to spend some time doing the outdoor work. Roof gutters are very important and can cause a lot of damage if not taken care of properly. If your gutters get clogged up, there is a good chance that a water pool will be created, and it can cause leakage and deterioration of the wood (plus, it can attract some termites). So, pull out that ladder, and climb on to the roof. The best piece of equipment you can use in this scenario is a bulb trowel. Use it to scoop up everything that is clogging up the gutters. Make sure you have a garbage bag on you, you do not want spill all of that debris onto your driveway. After you have cleaned the muck, take your hose and wash away any residual garbage. By doing this, you can simultaneously check how fast your downspout drains, and if there is some adjustment required.

2. Vacuum upholstered surfaces 

Finally, the time has come to do a thorough vacuuming of your upholstered surfaces. Dust mites simply adore your sofas and chairs. So, get your vacuum cleaner out, and make sure you properly vacuum those surfaces from all sides. Apart from your furniture, treat your carpets with some respect as well. It would be a great idea to sprinkle some baking soda and dried herbs onto your carpets, then vacuuming them later on. This will give your carpets a nice fresh look and smell. Additionally, wash your drapes during this cleaning session, and dust your ceiling fans and blinds.

3. Prepare your kitchen for winter 

The fun thing about fall cleaning is that you can do most of these tasks by having your kids involved as well. Our advice, when it comes to the kitchen, would be to empty your cabinets, do a good clean on the inside, and check if there are some goods that have expired. Your kids can help you with this task. While you are doing the cleaning, make them check if the groceries are still good. Apart from this, you should also devote some attention to your major appliances, like the refrigerator, stove, and the oven. Empty your fridge, throw away everything out of date, and do a good cleanse on the inside. Do not forget to vacuum behind the fridge! As far as the stove goes, do a good scrub on the inside as well as the outside. Your dishwasher can be cleaned with a wet sponge and a bit of baking soda.

4. Get your wardrobe ready 

If you have kids, this can really be a fun task to do. Empty your wardrobe and do a thorough clean of the interior. Before you put your clothes back inside, try them out and see if there is anything you could give away. Make your kids do the same. Maybe you could make a fashion show or something similar. Let your kids try and see if there is anything in there that does not fit them anymore. Believe it when we say, this can be really good fun! Depending on how large your wardrobe is, you can also store away your summer clothing, and put to the forefront your fall and winter garments.

5. Get the garage organized 

Dear God, if other people knew about the state of our garages, we would have to leave the country! We can postpone this task for as long as we want, still, it needs to be done. Fall is somehow the perfect season for dealing with your garage. People have that tendency to store away anything that is rendered redundant inside the house, in the garage. The more you prolong this inclination, the worse the state of the garage will be when the time for its organization comes. First, you want to empty your garage. Move everything outside. Then, you want to do a good vacuuming and mopping session. Our advice would be to buy some storing shelves and overhead baskets and place them in the garage so that when you go on to put your belongings back inside, you can organize them by your liking. Trust us, you will end up with a garage that actually has some free space left, and that you can utilize for other purposes than hiding it from other people.

If you prefer doing some traveling when fall arrives, nothing should stop that wish from coming true. However, what needs to be done, needs to be done. Luckily, there is a myriad of cleaning agencies out there that could provide you with a helping hand. Still, you would need to be careful while hiring someone, because you do not want somebody unreliable hanging around your house while you are away. If we were to offer a part time maid recommendation – is an amazing platform that can provide you with more than reliable house cleaners. Time to pack your bags has come, and now you have a professional waiting to deal with your cleaning while you are absent. Life can be great!

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
