Last Updated on April 21, 2022 by Kravelv
There is a certain calming and top-of-the-mountain ambiance that is found only in rooftop restaurants. It feels like the air is different and life seems so much better. What if you could bottle this feeling up and take it home? Of course, everyone would want to feel like they are the king of the world every day if they could. Now you can indeed get this serene outdoor feeling by getting a rooftop deck.
Why should you get a rooftop deck?

Sometimes you need more than just I-feel-like-on-top-of-the-world-type phrases to justify getting a rooftop deck. So note that the rooftop deck will be very useful for meditation and yoga activities since these places tend to be quiet and peaceful. It will allow you to center and focus on yourself.
The rooftop deck is also really useful during warm weather. You will be able to sit there with your friends and family while enjoying a beautiful sunset with some music. What’s more is that as the weather will warm up more, you will find that a rooftop deck is the only place where you can feel the natural cool wind blowing. As such it is the perfect place to chill out and calm down. These reasons are enough to convince anyone to get a rooftop deck. So now you will be able to relax or entertain friends on the rooftop deck made with IPE Wood by Tropical Forest Products.

What to use for making your dream rooftop deck?
Your dream rooftop deck should have a premium start that one can get by using IPE Wood by Tropical Forest Products. This wood has been made and designed specifically for use in rooftop decks. It has the following benefits:
- It is a full-sized decking board so that you get cleaner lines.
- It is sturdy and durable but also lightweight.
- It has adjustable pedestals for rooftop decks that don’t need any additional fastening or joining.
- It has low-clearance aluminum-josts.
What to keep in mind while getting your dream rooftop design?
Know that a rooftop deck will have to be tough since it will have to bear the cold, heat, rain, and more such natural elements. Note that for this you need to use those hardwood decking things which can capably withstand the natural onslaught of punishment.
So use natural hardwoods to the likes of Machine, Thermowood, Garapa, and Ipe wood by Tropical Forest Products to get great performance. Go crazy with your design and ideas. Create the dream rooftop deck you want.

Why should you choose Ipe wood for decking?
When it comes to a rooftop deck then you would want the very best. Ipe wood is the very best decking solution for anyone who wants the best one can get. It is all-natural real wood which is better than any other decking material present on earth. This might seem like a bold claim but Ipe wood will give you the relaxation, satisfaction, comfort, and peace that you won’t get after using any other kind of decking material.
Do you need to seal Ipe?
There’s no need to use any kind of sealer on Ipe. This is because the wood is so dense that it doesn’t accommodate a sealer anyway. If you want to use a protective covering then use a UV protectant and not a sealer. This is because sunlight tends to turn Ipe grey. So using a UV protective covering will certainly help prevent that. Do note that it’s recommended that you seal the board ends because the part where there’s no exposed grain can get split easier without any sealing. If you take these precautions then your rooftop deck will look better and most importantly it will be more durable and last longer.
What are the different colours of Ipe wood one can get?
You can get Ipe wood in various colours. It can be darker black and reddish-brown, yellow, and sometimes there can be brown/black stripes as well. So you will get some natural variety to choose from. Note that when you are working on Ipe wood make sure to wear protective equipment because it has been reported that the wood causes mild skin irritation, headaches, eye irritation, and some asthma-like symptoms too.
How long will Ipe last?
Depending on the treatment you choose for the wood as well as the exposure for it, Ipe will easily last a whole lifetime. It is a very hard and long-lasting wood that is used for outdoor purposes. This wood can easily last way more than 75 years. So you can make your rooftop deck without worrying about how long it will realistically last.
Can you use Ipe around an open fire?
Yes, you can use Ipe around an open or close fire. This wood has a fire rating of Class A. This puts it in the same rank as concrete or steel. So you can have your little celebratory fires without worrying about your entire deck catching fire. Of course, make sure to fireproof everything before doing anything with fire.
Final Words
So when you are dreaming of making your rooftop deck or thinking about the perfect material for use, then keep in mind that nothing beats Ipe wood by Tropical Forest Products. If you want peace of mind, durability, and stability then the is the decking material that will make your dream come true.