Pool Chemical Safety: What You Need To Know?

Last Updated on March 28, 2023 by Kravelv

Summers are here. This means pool parties, backyard barbecues, and endless trips to the swimming pool. As a homeowner, you know the importance of keeping the swimming pool clean and properly maintained. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that RWI (Recreational Water Illnesses) are caused due to germs and bacteria that spread by Ingesting or making direct skin contact with contaminated water. Clearly, indicating the need for a safe and healthy swimming environment.

Do you know that there is algae growth from the skin cells of the swimmers? This makes the water unswimmable and bacteria infested. This can make you and your family very sick. However, with a perfectly balanced pool and the right set of chemicals you don’t have to worry about algae blooms and bacterial infections. These are avoidable and can be prevented. Below we have mentioned some tips that will guide you through the handling, storing, and disposal of pool chemicals.

Maintaining Good Pool Chemistry:

So far you know that pool chemicals play a major role in healthy swimming. From the chemicals, to prevent the growth of algae, disinfect water, and adjust the pH levels, you can easily prevent water illnesses. According to a spokesperson at Majestic Pools if the pool chemistry is not maintained, there are chances that the swimmers can develop diseases such as diarrhea, skin rashes, stomach infections, etc. Before sweat, body oils, and other substances decrease the concentration of pool disinfectants, take care of the pool chemicals such as chlorine and bromine. While you deal with these pool chemicals you need to look into these measures which include:

Safe Storage:

Store the chemicals differently. Keeping them separate helps in contamination from spills and leaks. Therefore, they should be stored high and made sure that they are dry. The best way you can store them is in pallets. Remember that you do not store them too high. Also, make sure that you lay out a storage plan for the pump room by using the color code to easily respond to the chemical labels. At the same time, look into the double containment options and lock them up.

Safe handling and safe storing reduce the risk to a greater level. But, before you get the pool chemicals, below we have mentioned some tips that will help you to avoid injuries caused due to pool chemicals.

  • Always read the safety information mentioned on the chemicals
  • Wear safety equipment such as goggles, air mask, chemical resistant gloves, etc. while handling chemicals.
  • Store them away from children and pets.
  • Do not forget to read the manufacturer’s instructions on the label.
  • Handle them in a well-ventilated area and keep the container closed when not needed. Also, do not mix the containers.
  • Add pool chemicals to water instead of adding water to the pool chemicals.
  • Dispose of the chemical pills and if you see any chemical residue wash it.
  • Use a water-filled fire extinguisher on a chlorinated product.

Not looking after the pool chemicals can make your pool water look cloudy. Not only this, it even corrodes the pool surfaces and damages them entirely. To avoid such situations, follow the tips mentioned above and maintain good water chemistry in your pool.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
