Kitchen Ideas for Entertaining

Last Updated on March 31, 2022 by Kravelv

The Kitchen is often considered the heart of the home, it’s where we prepare food and nowadays has become the central point for guests to gravitate to during gatherings. That’s why you want your kitchen looking great and functioning to its best potential.

There are plenty of additions you can bring to your kitchen, even if you are a bit tight on space. Alternatively, you can use this guide as a checklist for your future kitchen designs.

Maximise your Space

Are your countertops full of kitchen gadgets and machines? Toasters, standing mixers, blenders – they can all get stored safely away in the cupboard between uses to maximise the available space for more important things like drinks and nibbles.

Also Read: 5 Easy Ways to Make Your Small Kitchen Look Bigger

If you are using pots on the side to store your utensils, why not consider a wall hanging system? You can go simple with a single bar and hooks or alternatively, install a shelf with space to hang utensils underneath.

Open cupboards give the illusion of more space, consider open shelving for easier access to your kitchen tableware and to show off your fancy drinking glasses.

Island Importance

Where space allows, your kitchen will always function better with a kitchen island on which to lay out your appetizers or line up the spirits. It makes the perfect place for guests to gather around and frees up countertop space for food preparation. A kitchen island also brings more storage into your space, with cupboards, shelving or places to hang mugs, pans or utensils.

Double the islands, double the space – perfect for those big open kitchens and better yet, you could install another kitchen sink. Giving you space to put the “dirties” without interrupting food preparation.

Alternatively, why not consider a hot water tap? Instant hot water, available round the clock – no more waiting for the kettle to boil. It’s energy efficient, eco-friendly and saves time when making tea or coffee.

Open Plan

Is your dining room separate to your kitchen? Have you considered combining the two areas into a larger open plan kitchen. It’s a great way to open up space and make a perfect place to entertain your guests. Kitchen islands, breakfast bars and furniture can be used to define the areas between the two.

Also Read: 5 Basic Essentials to Consider in Kitchen Designing

Should you choose to go down the open plan route, put some more thought into your extraction means as you don’t want to fill the area with steam or strong smells.

An open plan kitchen can be particularly good for families, parents can be preparing dinner while the kids play safely in the dining area.

Drinks Display

If you are entertaining, you’ll likely have the drinks out and available. If you are big on wine, consider a temperature-controlled wine fridge – they can be small enough to tuck under a countertop out of sight. Got the space available? Go big and make it a feature of the room, it’s certainly going to earn you a few compliments! Add some custom coasters as well.

You could also consider a cocktail bar or where space allows, incorporate a full bar, complete with coasters and beer taps. Use plenty of shelving to show off your prized bottles and drinking glasses, without unnecessary crowding – floor to ceiling shelving offers plenty of space and is a striking feature point.

Pushed for space? Consider a roller-bar cart, stylish, functional and easily stored away and simply rolled out for entertainment purposes.

Your kitchen is your space and like every space in the home, should be the peak of comfort and functionality for you. Once you’ve got the set up as you like, you can start planning your colour schemes, funky bright colours, deep-colour granite worktops or clean white cupboard fronts. Your kitchen offers a wealth of possibility and can be customised exactly how you imagine.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
