How To Buy A Mattress At Absolutely Lowest Cost

Last Updated on February 16, 2022 by Kravelv

We all want to have a restful night’s sleep. Unfortunately, not everyone gets it. There are many reasons why it is difficult to sleep well. However, you may also blame it on your pillow or perhaps the mattress.

Are you experiencing discomfort or body pains when you sleep? If so, then maybe it’s time for you to buy a new cloud 9 mattress. Before you start shopping for one, ask yourself the following questions first.

  • Do you tend to get better sleep in a hotel than in your bed?
  • Is your mattress five to seven years old?
  • Does your mattress look lumpy or saggy?

If your answers to these questions are a resounding “yes,” then your mattress is, indeed, suspect.

Now, it’s no secret that shopping for a new mattress can be a pain. To make things worse, most retailers and manufacturers intentionally make shopping for a mattress confusing and complicated.

But there’s no need to worry. Here are several tips you can follow to make your mattress shopping experience a pleasant one.

Choose where to buy. You can go to a nearby furniture store or shop online. Consider the pros and cons. Avoid pushy salespeople who are just looking to make a quick buck. They would usually offer you a more expensive mattress to get a higher commission. Moreover, most of them would sell the stock they have on hand, even if they claim to have a wide selection.

On the contrary, if you want to save time and gas money, just go online and shop in the comfort of your home. There are many online mattress stores you can choose from.

Think about the type of mattress you need

The reasons behind trying to save when choosing a mattress are not universal.

If you are looking for a permanent mattress think about materials – the classic choice that would be the biggest bang for your buck is an innerspring or hybrid mattress. They are at the sweet spot of pricing and if you are going with foam, your chances of paying for marketing dazzle are much higher. A bonus tip – is the mattress is 1000+ coils, the added number of coils usually doesn’t justify the price. So, don’t fall for the hysteria of choosing mattress with the highest coil count.

If you are looking for a temporary bed go with a good air mattress – If you are, let’s say, moving or having guests and only need a temporary bed, an air bed is your best bet. Choosing the best air mattress for your money comes down to comfort and durability. The better ones come with a built-in pump, are made of layered or reinforced PVC and feature a coiled inner design. Inflatable beds today are of much higher quality than they use to be and if you choose right, you’ll probably end up using the blow up mattress in the years to come – you can see reviews of some of the superior air mattresses at here.

Here are some essential details you must look for.

Check out their shipping policy. Find out if they have prompt delivery. Most online stores will have your mattress delivered to your doorstep for free. That’s cash money you’ve already saved.

Test your mattress thoroughly. Usually, most shoppers would lie on a bed displayed in the showroom for 10 minutes or even less. But this is not enough time to know if the mattress is really suitable for you.

Find a store that offers comfort guarantees. This means you can test the mattress for a couple of months to see if it fits your sleep needs. If you don’t like the mattress, you can return it. Now that’s a better way to test your mattress.

Set a reasonable budget. You don’t need to break the bank just to get a good night’s sleep.  You can get excellent quality mattresses that cost less than a thousand dollars. If you need to buy beds for guest bedrooms or for your kids, you can also save a lot of money by shopping in bulk. The more mattresses you buy, the more discounts you get.

No need to wait for a sale. Even if there’s no special holiday, you can easily find discounts since sales are common in the mattress industry. You can even get up to 40 percent off on any size or type of mattress.

So, remember, don’t be afraid to haggle. Always look for discounts and free shipping. Test your new mattress. Ask for comfort guarantees. Don’t go over budget. Never pay full price. Shop smart and sleep better.


Author Bio:

Pierre Angela Cruz is a marketing specialist for Bedding Stock, an online mattress store in Stuart Florida. She is a foodie and dog lover. Follow her on twitter @cruisepyer.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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