How to Attain a Perfect Garage Plan

Last Updated on February 24, 2022 by Kravelv

If you are among those who hate navigating through the narrow spaces between your car and all the other things located inside your garage, then this article is dedicated to you. Do not spend a single moment trying to relocate your stuff at the back of the garage, or move them to another place; instead, build a garage of your dreams, with lots of free space for everything. Here are the things which will help you create a spacious garage for all your cars and inventory.

It Takes Just a Little Extra Space

Most of the people usually have 1-2 cars, and if you are among them, your garage needs just a bit of adjustment (but, if you are having 3 or more cars, consider building a monstrous garage). The space you require is just enough so that you can walk freely around the garage and place all the tools and utilities inside of it, or perhaps a piece of old furniture or damaged joinery. This means that by simply expanding the garage and perhaps raising the rooftop will give you enough space for everything. Consider 10 by 8 meters as dimensions.

How to Attain a Perfect Garage Plan

Setting up the Perfect Height

The main reason you need the tall wall is storage. If your garage walls are high enough, the garage itself has the potential to be turned into an additional room, or a storage place for all the things which cannot find their place inside the house anymore, and all the boxes and seasonal decorations; or perhaps you started visiting truck sales and you are seriously considering purchasing one. Also, keeping your stuff on the attic can get them damaged over time, since the humidity and moist can be found everywhere. No matter which reason it is, you will definitely have a much better use of the tall walls than the short ones.

How to Attain a Perfect Garage Plan1

Doors and Windows

Choosing a door is a thing of personal preference, and people usually tend to place the ones that can raise and lower by a press of a button. This is among the best choices, since you do not have to leave your car to open the garage doors personally. Also, putting a side doors can save you a lot of time by avoiding rising and lowering the garage door every time you want to go in. As for the windows, normal ones let a lot of light inside and your whole neighbourhood can see inside your garage, so it is recommended to avoid those and install leak-proof skylights.

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Still Need More Storage?

If the space created is not enough, consider installing attic storage trusses. These are not only the best solution for the extra space, but on them you can keep all the items protected from both the cold and hot weather. The space will resemble a cave, spacious and wide, and you will be able to store anything on them without any problems. To see how these look like, you can always visit a local lumber yard.

When the job is done, you will never again have to scratch your car while trying to reach for a shovel or any other tool. Moving around your garage will be easier, and you will have all the extra storage for all the things which need to be stored.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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