How can I make a small kitchen more efficient?

Last Updated on April 13, 2022 by Kravelv

It doesn’t matter if you have a large kitchen or a postage stamp size one, you can make it work for you. Obviously, the best approach is to contact custom kitchens and design the kitchen from scratch. This will ensure it has everything you need in the best possible position and the best possible use of space.

However, while you’re sorting out your custom kitchen, you can make several adjustments to the one you already have to make it more efficient.

Appliance placement

The first step is to look at where your oven, sink, and refrigerator are. They should be in a triangle with one of each appliance at the points of the triangle. It doesn’t matter how big or small the triangle is, this is the most efficient design for any kitchen.

Moving a sink is relatively complicated so it’s best to start with the refrigerator and see if you can make the triangle by moving it. You’ll find it much easier to move between the essential points of the kitchen.


Having cupboards or drawers isn’t enough, you need to go a step further and look at how you use the available storage. This means investing in revolving trays for corner cupboards as it utilizes the available space in the best possible way.

You can also add dividers and space separators into cupboards to make it easier to store all your plates and other cooking utensils.

In fact, it is possible to store the plates and serving dishes on the other side of the kitchen, they’ll still be easy to get to but leave the storage stuff nearest the oven free for your pots and pans.


Your kitchen can feel a lot lighter and more spacious if you add a few extra lights. A window is a great idea but this is another more complicated task.

A couple of extra downlights in your kitchen to illuminate your key working areas will make the kitchen feel much bigger and more enjoyable to use.

Use The Walls

Wall cupboards can get in the way of countertops and make a kitchen feel smaller. However, you need to make your kitchen more efficient. A good way of doing this is to make one wall entirely cupboards, giving you all the storage space you need. You can then have an island in the middle to house your oven and stove with enough space to prepare food and perhaps even have an eating counter.

Clear The Sides

Cupboard space may be at a premium but you also don’t need or want, cluttered countertops. This will make your kitchen look smaller and make it harder to prepare food. Get things off the counter by using hooks and the available cupboards.

This is also a good time to consider if you really need everything in your kitchen. One of the biggest causes of clutter is actually items that you never use. Put them away until your new kitchen is fitted or, if you really don’t use them, sell them.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
