Five Things to Avoid While Choosing a Pasta Machine

Last Updated on November 4, 2021 by Kravelv

People often associate pasta with unhealthy junk food but are you aware of the fact that freshly-made pasta does not only tastes good, but it’s also healthy as well. The ingredients needed to make the pasta dough is known to most pasta lovers, but the real “pastaphiles” only know the importance of using the right kind and shape of their pasta dishes. So, buying a pasta machine is a good idea to consider. There various types and designs of pasta makers with features you will need and with some you don’t need. Pasta makers can range from $50 to few hundred bucks, so you should know what your requirements are for your pasta dishes are.

Here are five simple things you should avoid when purchasing a new pasta machine:

  1. Manual or Electric Pasta Machine

While shopping for a pasta machine, you will find two types of them; manually operated, and electrical. The manually-operated models are relatively cheaper than the electrical ones. They are also easier to clean and use. So, don’t buy an electric pasta maker as you won’t most of its functions given the fact you will make pasta for a just a few people.  However, if you have a restaurant, then using an electric machine is your only option as this will help you make pasta dishes easier and faster.

  1. Always Buy a Stainless Steel Pasta Machine

Always purchase a pasta maker, (doesn’t matter if it’s manual or electric), that made from stainless steel as its rust proof. This is important if you don’t use pasta machine regularly as it’s susceptible to rust if not used for a long time. Besides, stainless steel is easier to clean.

  1. Buy a Pasta Machine with Simple Functions

Unless you have a diner or a restaurant, you will be wasting your money if you invest a few hundred dollars on that latest hi-tech electric pasta maker. These expensive pasta machines have many functions like fifteen different cutting heads and variable motor speeds, and so on. If you are making pasta at home, you only need a cheap, good quality and an upgradeable pasta maker with two cutting heads. However, if you aspire to become a pasta chef in future then you can always upgrade your existing pasta machine will different cutting heads.


  1. Upgrade Your Stand Mixer into a Pasta Maker

If you have a stand mixer, remember you can convert it into a pasta machine by adding roller heads in the stand mixer and extend its functionality. The latest iterations of stand mixers can be fitted with theses upgrades saving you money in the process.


  1. Research and Read Reviews

Research and read reviews, forums and feedbacks on the internet about the latest pasta machines and make up your mind before you purchase that pasta maker you saw online or in the stores. Also, don’t feel shy to ask someone or your friends who already has a pasta machine in their homes or diners. It’s pointless to buy a device that won’t be fully utilized or one that breaks after a few months.


calvinAuthor Bio:

Calvin P. Floyd is a well rounded blogger who has a wide variety of interests and specializes in doing in depth research for every project. He is an expert in doing in depth market research and also a notorious blogger/writer. He provides an absolute commitment to excellence and strides to provide the best quality work possible by all means. He currently is a blogger for in a genuine effort to provide the best quality content to his readers.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
