The Do’s and Don’ts of Pest Control in the Home

Last Updated on April 19, 2022 by Kravelv

Pests in the home can be an absolute nightmare for many reasons. Not only can pests destroy the structural integrity of a property, and other personal belongings, pests can also carry many health risks. Pests such as rodents and fleas spread allergens, pathogens, and diseases. Pests are also excellent at multiplying rapidly, which is why it is best to implement adequate prevention techniques as well as getting control of the situation as soon as possible.

This piece will discuss the do’s and don’ts of pest control in the home, offering tips on how to keep the home safe.

Why Are Pests Dangerous in the Home?

Pests can inflict a decent amount of damage in a short space of time, including the destruction of property, creating noise, and also the spreading of harmful diseases and bacteria. Because of these reasons, it is best to put preventative measures in place and be prepared if a pest infestation needs to be controlled.

Pest Prevention Techniques

Much like for humans, food is a driving force when it comes to deciding where to settle down, all species love a snack. It would be extremely inconvenient and not practical to remove all of the food from the kitchen, but what can be done is the creation of better storage solutions.

Appropriate food storage –

Storing food in glass containers would make it extremely difficult for pests to penetrate, so the food is safe. Sealed containers also help to keep the scent of the food inside, which will limit its attractiveness to pests.

Get rid of clutter –

What is clutter to the human can be a new home to the pest, so it is best to remove anything that could be used as bedding such as magazines, newspapers, or paper recycling.

Close off cracks –
Cracks and crevices offer a great hiding nook for pests. To prevent these holes from becoming pests’ new favorite home, be sure to fill them all in, and use fillers such as steel wool or mesh panels to cover pipes and holes.

 Use Humane Traps to Catch Pests

Depending on the type of pest that has made itself at home, there might be the option to catch and trap them for safe relocation elsewhere.

These traps are designed to cause minimal suffering, are pain-free, and designed for catch and release.

This option is ideal for a pest infestation that is still in its beginning but may not be suitable for pest infestations that have matured.

If there is a pest infestation out of control in the midlands, contact pest control Walsall for advice and the low down of their services.

Be Careful with Pesticides

Aside from a slow and painful death for animals, toxins used in pesticides can also be harmful to humans and pets and require very delicate handling. Pesticide toxins can also be damaging to the environment and contaminate home gardens.

If pesticides must be used, always read the label thoroughly and follow instructions to the letter. Do not use pesticides that are designed for outside within the home, and do not transfer pesticides to other containers. Only buy as much as is necessary and be sure to dispose of the empty containers properly.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
