Clean Your Living Room in 15 Minutes Or Less

Last Updated on April 19, 2022 by Kravelv

You can call your living place a home or a house, depending on how you cherish living there. If you own a home, you must make your home adorable and conducive for habitation. The place that makes the most impressive of a home is the living room; this is where you entertain your guests, have small meetings and spend most of your time while at home.

Spending time in a bright living room is very refreshing; you can enjoy your time in the living room when everything is put in order. A comfortable living room does not come by itself; you have to put some time to make it look good and presentable, you can learn how to clean your living room and do it even faster.

Cleaning your living room may sound easy, but it may not be accurate, especially if you are the type of person who gets up late and rushes out of the house for work. Learn how to clean your living room; you may receive a visitor without notice, at least learn and make it a habit of cleaning your living room. If you don’t have the time to clean, hiring a trusted house cleaning service is always an option.

For you to properly learn how to clean your living room, here are some of the best techniques that you can use to effectively clean your living room within fifteen minutes or even less.

Invest In the Right Cleaning Tools

The most important thing to do is to get the right equipment for speedy cleanups. If you are the type who is always late for work because of tedious household chores in the morning, don’t be afraid of spending some money on proper cleaning equipment.

You can spend 15 minutes and leave your living room sparkling clean. If you want to know how to clean your living room quickly, you can do it.

It would help if you had the following equipment to clean your living room:

  1. A Dust mop with a long handle
  2. A Step-ladder
  3. Cleaning cloths
  4. A bucket with a good handle
  5. Sponges
  6. A Vacuum cleaner with an attachment
  7. Gentle cleanser

Take a Minute and Put on Some Tune (01 minutes)

The melody of your favorite music will do it for you. You will enjoy cleaning more with some fresh music; you don’t want to spin the vacuum cleaner around without something to give you more vibe. Even though the vacuum cleaner’s motor is relatively calm, you can get bored with the rhythm. To evoke better working spirits, try some fine tunes, and you will find the cleaning flowing. Have you ever tried performing a house chore with music? You can learn how to clean your living room with your favorite song by trying it out.

Take another Two Minutes to Gather All the Cleaning Materials (03 minutes)

With your music on, now you need to get all the cleaning materials together or within your reach. It would help if you had your vacuum cleaner, microfiber cloths, surface cleaners, and a trash can within proximity. It will make your work more manageable when you have everything with you before you start cleaning when cleaning. You don’t have to move about the hose to fetch a thing or two. Remember, you are working within the given 15 minutes.

Take a Minute to Round up the Trash (05 minutes)

Any living room cleanup requires a good trash can or a recycle bin. It does not matter whether you had a small party in your living room or not; unfortunately, it is a magnet for all the dirt and trash. When you get into the hose from wherever you went, it is most likely that you drop whatever you are carrying at your first stop, and that is your living room. Throw all the trash in the bin during your cleaning ride.

Take Two Minutes to Clean the Clutter (07 minutes)

Within two minutes, sort all the stuff that is out of place. Take all the utensils left on the table the previous night to the dishwasher or the sink. You can set other things like decorations and every other moveable thing on the coffee table to the couch in the meantime.

Please Take Two Minutes to Dust It All (09 minutes)

Dust all the lighting fixtures, artwork, bookshelves, ceiling, and window panes. You can use the top, bottom approach. It would be best if you cleaned everything above the floor before you embark on the surface. With the use of a stick vacuum, you don’t have to go back and wipe again; a one-time spin will be enough.

Take Three Minutes to Clean the Surface of the Living Room (12 minutes)

The next step after dusting is to clean the grime off the surface of the living room. You can use the microfiber cloth to clean mirrors, picture frames. Ensure that all the hanging portraits are adequately wiped. Your living room should look fresh and new after cleaning.

Please Take a Minute to Put Everything in Its Right Place (13 minutes)

Take everything you removed back to their location. Can you imagine the satisfaction that comes with cleanliness, taking back the stuff you set on the couch to the freshly cleaned surfaces will brighten your face? Well, this should make you happy.

Take a Minute to Tackle the Furniture (14 minutes)

Use your vacuum cleaner to address your Furniture adequately. Change the vacuum mode from the floor mode to the house mode, and within two minutes, your Furniture should be clean.

Finally, Take a Minute to Finish with the Floor (15 minutes)

Quickly turn your vacuum cleaner into floor mode, spin over floor mats or rags, and then remove them from the floor. Glide the vacuum cleaner over the floor and return the mats in place. To add some final touches, you can use an air freshener and pop it into the wall to leave your room with a refreshing smell.


Having a clean and fresh living room is great for everyone, and you can clean it within 15 minutes. When you bump into your friends in the evening, and they insist on catching up with you in your home, you will be confident to take them home. Learning how to clean your living room alone is not enough; you need to put it into practice. Always wash your living room for your good; you will enjoy spending more time there when it is fresh.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
