Designing Your Child’s Bedroom for A Better Night’s Sleep  

Last Updated on July 12, 2022 by Kravelv

I’ve got a friend called Dan.

Dan has triplets.

Dan doesn’t get any sleep.

Dan’s obviously tired most of the time, if not all. I asked him once if he knew about how the design of bedrooms can help his kids sleep through the night, he didn’t know, but he said he wished he did earlier.

It then dawned on me; a lot of parents think there’s nothing they can do about the nightly screaming, they just think it is part and parcel of the job. Well, if you’re in this situation, then open your mind up for the next 5 minutes and consider what I have to say.

I’m here to offer you some tips on how to tone down your toddlers and help everyone get a good night’s sleep.


Firstly, we’ll need to note the way the bedroom is set up in their day to day life. Are your children playing in here all day? Do they do their homework in here? It’s important to consider these questions as if they do, you need to reinforce that the primary reason the bedroom exists is for sleep.

If your children are used to being active in their bedroom, then it’s hard to shake that off, especially since it’s subconsciously imprinted for them to want to do things in their room. Make sure that you’re clear on the functions of their bedroom so that your children know that it’s mainly for sleeping.

You can do this by trying to encourage doing homework at the table, or playing in the garden when it’s sunny out. That won’t give them too many reasons to be active in their room, and will help you one step closer to a peaceful night sleep.


The colour of a room can massively impact the way your children perceives it, but it can impact the way anyone sees a room. Certain colours trigger certain emotions, and if some of those emotions are triggered in the wrong rooms then it could spell trouble for your night ahead.

Try to avoid using block colours in bedrooms; the more vibrant the colour is the more likely your child is to feel more awake. This is because the harsher the colour is, the more distracting it is for your child. When you’re choosing the next colour for your child’s bedroom, look at the pastel versions of the block colours your children are most likely to choose.

The pastel versions still allow them to have their favourite colour, just in a softer tone that helps you and them to sleep through until the morning.

Here’s an example of using colour through their furniture.


We’re in the century where every child these days knows what an iPad is, and most have one. In the digital era it’s impossible to ignore the importance these devices are playing in society and your son or daughters childhood. Sometimes your kids can be more tech savvy than you are too, which probably makes you feel a bit out of date.

But it’s important to make sure that when it’s time to sleep, that iPad stays downstairs with you. You need to make sure your children have a healthy relationship with technology, not an obsession. If your child starts to lose interest in anything other than the next time they’re allowed online then you’ve got an issue.

Try to encourage your kids to read a book before bed, this will fuel their imagination and help them drift off a lot easier as there’s no bright screen impairing their vision and keeping them awake.

You can find out more about suitable technology for your children depending on their age here.



A clean, fresh room is much better for your child than one that isn’t. Your child’s senses are still developing at this point in their lives, but subconsciously a fresh-smelling room will tell them that they’re in a nice environment. The more often they get used to the smell of being around, the more relaxed their bedroom will feel to them and the more likely they are to fall asleep peacefully.

You can ensure a clean bedroom in a couple of ways. First, clear the mess so that there’s space to walk around and make the changes you need. Plus, if you clear the mess then you could find bits of food or dirty clothes underneath their mounds of toys, which will be counteracting the nice smell you’re trying to create. You can also open a window during the day; this brings in the fresh air and cleanses the bedroom. The more you do this, the more natural air your child will be breathing in.


It comes down to the surroundings of your child when they’re trying to sleep that stops their ability to do so. The sooner you make their personal space friendlier to their psychological reasoning, the sooner you’ll stop waking up in the night.


Author Bio:

This post was written by expression blinds, you can view our store here to find bespoke blinds for your child’s room.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
