Bed Bug Control: 4 Facts You Didn’t Know About Bed Bugs

Last Updated on April 11, 2022 by Kravelv

Everyone knows that bed bugs feed on sleeping humans, leaving itchy red bumps in their wake. For the homeowners who have had the unfortunate experience of an infestation, they also know that the tiny pests are difficult to get rid of without professional bed bug control intervention. The following bed bug facts may help you better understand these elusive pests so that you’re prepared to identify them.

They Can Live Anywhere

Most people assume that bed bugs are only found in homes and hotels, where they prey on people sleeping peacefully in their beds. However, bed bugs can also plague hospitals, schools, movie theaters, and office buildings. Even vehicles such as busses and trains can house bed bugs! It’s clear, then, that bed bugs can be found beyond the confines of a bed and mattress. They tend to hide behind electrical wall sockets or wallpaper, in picture frames, and in any other dark, isolated crevice they can find. At night, they are led directly to us via the carbon dioxide that we exhale.

They Are Almost Indestructible

Not only can bed bugs withstand extreme temperatures, but they can also survive for several months without a blood meal. They can remain dormant for a long time—hiding in furniture or suitcases, for example—until they come into contact with humans again. Finding the dormant bed bugs in your home is, therefore, just as important as pinpointing the group of bugs that are biting you. Fortunately, you can rely on specially trained dogs to survey your home with their keen sense of smell and locate all bed bugs, regardless of where they may be lingering. This will ensure that the same infestation does not flare up again after a bed bug extermination.

They Feed Fairly Quickly—and Infrequently

Bed bugs are one of the most elusive types of pests. They’re hard to find, and are sometimes not noticed until after they’ve made multiple bites throughout the night. They are also very difficult to spot during an amateur inspection. This is partly due to the way in which they feed. They only feed once every 5 to 10 days and spend the rest of their time digesting their last meal and laying eggs. When they do come out to feed, it only takes 5 to 10 minutes for a bed bug to be completely satiated. Their saliva contains compounds that increase blood flow to the location of the bite, speeding up the feeding process and making it as painless as possible.

They Don’t Carry Diseases

Unlike ticks and mosquitoes, bed bugs do not act as vectors for diseases. However, their bites are irritating and can bring about a fair amount of stress in the morning. Scratching the bite marks can also break the skin, making it vulnerable to infection by the various bacteria living underneath your nails.

A bed bug infestation can feel overwhelming, as these pests are so difficult to spot and target. Struggling with DIY extermination is futile and will only exacerbate your anxiety. Entrust the eradication of your bed bug infestation to trained professionals who will be able to locate and effectively kill the bed bugs in your home.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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