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The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Japanese Futon

Futon in Japan is the key source for a good night’s sleep. Futon means mattress or something to lie down on.  Ever since the traditional existence of Futon, Japanese have used them for centuries and benefited from the sleep and health driven from these firm mattresses. Though, Futon beds have become famous in America and are being used by various people-the thought of futon still brings an image of a futon sofa or a thick mattress that can lie flat on a wooden frame. However, futon mattress in Japanese life is a firm mattress spread directly on the floor.

The Japanese futon set consists of three main components that complete its picture; Shikibuton (a mat), kakebuton (the quilt), and makura (the pillow). Let’s first discuss the parts briefly and then come to knowing the pros and cons of using this futon bed.

Shikibuton– The start of this word means to lay (Shiki) and when attached with buton or futon, it simply becomes shikbuton. You can complete a shikibuton by adding two mattresses or just a single one. Traditional Japanese futon is a single and standard size futon, but the eastern-western fusion is making thicker futons. Authentic Japanese futons are filled with 100% cotton which keeps them lightweight, easy and comfortable.

If the same cotton is added in more quantity to achieve a thicker version then the futon will become heavy. This is not ideal for Japanese lifestyle but since comfort of a mattress is subject, therefore Americans choose the thickness according to their liking. The latest futon come in variety of fillings and costs.

Kakebuton- The Japanese quilt or the blanket is cotton filled as well. It is lightweight and provides the feather like feeling during summers and hug like warm feeling during winters. It matches the Japanese form of living and their climate conditions.

Makura– Japanese pillow is traditionally smaller in size and stuffed with beans or buckwheat. If you transitioning from the softer kind of pillow to this Japanese pillow then remember that you will need a while to adjust with the difference.

Now, let’s get to the advantages and disadvantages of using authentic Japanese futon:

Advantages of Futon:


Disadvantages of Futon:

Futons are great for limited space housing and can even be used for attics. Futons do offer deeper sleep and you rest well. You can be a great host with your futon beds-especially when you have odd visitors.

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