8 Hacks to Maximize your Garage Storage Space

Last Updated on March 30, 2022 by Kravelv

Creating custom garage storage options is not an easy task, especially if you have a full-time job, family and kids. But since your garage is often the first thing you see when you enter your home, its organization or lack thereof can is quite noticeable. When it comes down to it, organizing this area of your home can make a world of difference. Clutter and disarray is simply the product of an unorganized mind and life. Take the time to clear out your unwanted clutter, and create a higher quality life, with these eight garage storage space saving hacks.

Also Read: Shipping container as a garage 

  • Install a Ceiling Storage system– a big reason why your garage is probably cluttered is due to the fact that you have random stuff laying around on the floor. Do yourself a favor, create a system to hang things from your ceiling or walls. Doing so ensure that you have more room to walk around.

  • Create a Wall Mounted Folding Workbench– another cause for garage clutter are tools and equipment strewn all over the place. Eliminate this unsightly disorganization by creating a workbench that folds, as this is a great way to have a centrally organized place to keep all of your valuable tools and equipment.
  • Organize your Garage into zones– this is another great way to ensure that your garage space is maximized to its optimal efficiency. Create specific zones to keep your items so you always know where they were left and where to place them next. As such, this will go a long way to ensuring that your garage remains neat and organized for the long haul.
  • Create large cabinets– once you have effectively created your ceiling storage system, the next thing you want to do is create large cabinets that are on your walls to store your equipment. Remember, the key here is to keep things off the floor, so you have space and organization to move around and enjoy.
  • Create Wall Mounts– wheelbarrows and ladders take up a lot of space, and more often than not, is seldom used. Create a mall mount for your wheelbarrow and ladder to ensure that you can optimize the space of your garage.
  • Wire Shelving– if creating large wooden cabinets isn’t your thing or doesn’t fit into your schedule, try using wire shelving instead. You can purchase these shelves at any home improvement store, and installing them is simple and easy. Use these shelves to keep all of your miscellaneous items in order.
  • Stack Your Plastic Bins– first of all, if you don’t have plastic bins, we recommend you go out and get some. They are a great way to keep your items tightly fastened, so you can focus on other areas of your garage. Stack them neatly, close together in an organized fashion, to maximize the value of your space.
  • Garage Storage Tubes- a great way to keep all of your long items in order is by simply folding a piece of cardboard into a long three-by- four-foot tube. It’s an excellent place to store baseball bats and long-handled tools.

Custom garage storage options can make the difference between a clear uncluttered mind or one that is filled with worry, anxiety and stress. Use these eight organizational storage hacks to provide you with the peace of mind that you need to keep your personal life in order.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
