9 Tips that Makes Painting a house Faster and Easier

Last Updated on November 4, 2021 by Kravelv

Many house owners think that painting the walls only means dipping the roller in the paint and then slapping it on the surface. However, it is quite tough when you start the practical work, but there are many ways in which you can easily and quickly complete the task. There is a proper method that you have to use with quality paint and brushes.

Learn Roll Painting the House:

Roll painting is a technique that gives consistent coverage on the walls without the need of more coats and touch-ups. There is no need to push hard the roller for getting enough paint on it as it will only leave different streaks because the paint will push out towards the end of roller. You can learn painting with a roller by watching videos online and trying on small area of your wall.

Use Bucket for Painting:

Using a tray does not maintain a good flow as the walls need a large quantity of paint and the tray cannot take such a quantity. Bucket proves more easy to use because it does not create mess and can get all the paint you need.  If you are using a gallon of paint then it is better to pour it into bucket and start painting the house.

Add Extension Rod to Roller:

The extension rod makes is much easier to handle the roller. The ideal size is 24-inch of roller that gives you extra reach for the area that you cannot easily touch with a roller. You can buy the extension rod from big-box store where there are plenty of such items that can give you enough access to the area near the ceiling.

Purchase Brushes of Quality:

When we visit the market we encounter paint brushes that are extremely expensive and out of our each. You can roam around more to search the paint brush of less price and good quality. There are rubber gripped brushes, short-handled wooden brush, and others that you can use. Make sure to clean and wrap all the bristles of the brush for keeping it in a good shape.

Use Lined Pail for Cutting Brush:

Using lined pail for cutting in the brush is very effective at a time when you are brushing the edges of your room. The need of painting the brush often arises which means that it’s time to use lined pail for cutting the brush. You can grip the brush with one hand and climb up the ladder for painting the walls easily.

Paint Same Color on Entire Wall:

Your project can become easier when you will use same color or one dark color on your walls. There is also a trend of designing the walls with patterns but it is only the task of professional. It is the reason; you can select one of your favorite colors of paint and apply it on your walls. Start with one coating on all the walls.

Prepare Your House:

Preparing your house is very important as you have to put all the furniture on a side and start your work. You can shift all the stuff of one room in another room and paint it well. You can further go towards other areas and paint the whole house.

Scrape Only Bare Surface:

You can scrape the old paint with a paint scrapping tool with the help of your family member. Put a piece of cloth on your mouth and scrap the entire house. You can contact the local home painters is you are not sure that your efforts can bring good results.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
