5 Things You Must Check When Buying An Old House

Last Updated on February 16, 2022 by Kravelv

If you are considering purchasing an old house and fixing it up, there is a lot to think about. As much as it might seem stylish, comfy and nice there are things that you need to check beforehand to make sure that everything is in correct order. Some of those houses have old fashioned insulation, perhaps some faulty plumbing or just a crack in the roof. In order to keep you and your family safe and satisfied, we prepared 5 main things to check when buying a new (old) house.


Things You Must Check When Buying An Old House - foundation

Every house rests on its foundation. This is the first thing to check when purchasing a house because no matter how good it may look, the foundation is the key to a stable home. First things to check are the walls. If you notice some cracks in the wall this could be the first sign to a faulty foundation. They may be covered with a layer of paint so be careful. Look for water damage and mold. Other than this you should definitely look is the floors. They may need refinishing. If you find some real issues with this, perhaps it is time to look for something else.


This is also a very important thing, especially if the house is old over a century. Also consider how big is the house, as heating up a big house could be very challenging and expensive. Many of these houses used oil for heating as it was quite cheap in those days. The oil prices are much more expensive now, which could represent a problem. Also, consider the possibility of a fire hazard. This can happen if the whole heating system wasn’t managed properly.

Plumbing and Wiring

Things You Must Check When Buying An Old House - plumbing and wiring

The best thing you could do is to hire an inspector to check the overall plumbing and wiring in the house. Make sure that your plumbing is free from corrosion or cracks. Most of old plumbing was made from materials such as lead, which is very outdated nowadays. When it comes to electricity, be sure to check the outlets for possible fire damage. You should also check the breaker, so you could upgrade it better if the old one has fuses.


Checking the roof if it has some possible leaks, holes or anything that could be considered a problem is crucial. The best way to do that is to check it from the outside for some obvious damage. Other than that, you should probably pay a visit to the attic. There you can check the beams for damage and see if there is any water damage. That is a good sign of a faulty roof. When checking the attic, make sure to look for other issues, such as rodents, bats or other pests that could cause more problems.

Things You Must Check When Buying An Old House - legal matters

There are a lot of legal things to consider when buying an old house. People from local Sydney-based agency Think Conveyancing recommend checking all legal affairs before making a purchase. Conveyancing alone is an act of transferring legal title of property from one person to another or granting the encumbrance such as a mortgage or a lien.

Additionally, you should pay some attention to air and ventilation system. It is even better to take some HVAC Technicians on board so that purchased old home does not require extensive changings in the future. These are all factors to keep in mind when purchasing an old house. As much as it may seem lovely and probably is, you will certainly need to do some remodeling. It is smart to hire a professional to make sure everything is in correct order. If you find some real issues, perhaps it is time to search for another house to make it your dream one.


Author Bio:

Nate M. Vickery is a consultant from Sydney, Australia. He is mostly engaged in money making and saving advice, as well as real estate. You can follow Nate at @NateMVickery


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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