5 Things To Consider When Choosing a TV Service Provider for your Home

Last Updated on February 24, 2022 by Kravelv

Watching TV has been one of the most popular pass times for decades now and is more popular now than ever. Whilst streaming and websites such as YouTube may have changed how we consume media, there are still plenty of times when we like to watch live TV.

Whilst everybody gets access to the 5 basic terrestrial channels, there are many channels you can only get access to by getting a subscription to a TV service provider like Aerial Services. In the UK, the 3 major companies to choose from a Sky, Virgin Media and BT.

In order to help you make the right choice, below are 5 key things to consider.

  1. Price

Of course price is always going to be a big determining factor when you’re choosing a TV  provider. There are a few factors that will affect price, including the number of channels you have included with your package and whether or not your package includes broadband and phone (it’s often cheaper to get things as a bundle from the same company.

If you have one company that you’d like to go with but find their prices too high then it’s definitely worth getting quotes from other providers for a similar package since you’ll often be able to negotiate to get the price down.

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  1. On Demand Services

There’s nothing better than being able to watch a TV series or film whenever you want, from the comfort of your living room without having to buy the DVD or Blu Ray. On demand makes this possible. All the providers offer some kind of on demand features but some are better than others. In this respect, Sky offers an excellent range of on demand TV series and films that come as part of your subscription price. To get access you must ensure your box is connected to your modem.

  1. Channel Selection

Channel selection is another vitally important factor to consider when choosing a TV service provider. While there’s a lot of crossover in the channels that are offered by different providers, there are certain providers that come out on top in certain categories.

For example, Sky are the only provider who offers all the available sports channels in HD. However BT offer their BT Sports channels free to customers who take out a broadband package. It’s really a case of thinking about the type of channels you’ll watch the most.

  1. EPG

The EPG (Electronic Program Guide) might not seem like a huge thing at first but it’s what you’ll be using to change channels, schedule recordings and see what’s showing on different channels. Therefore you want to make sure you’re happy with how it works and ideally test it before buying.

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  1. Customer Service

Whilst features, price and channel selection are all important factors, you want to know that if you need support or advice, you’re going to be able to speak to someone who’s helpful. Generally the customer service that’s offered by the big 3 providers is good since they’re all about getting new customers and keeping them.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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