10 tips to increase your home’s value!

Last Updated on March 16, 2022 by Kravelv

Everyone dreams of living in a new built beautiful house, but as soon as the house starts aging everything related to it gets neglected. Either you are planning to prim up your house for yourself or for giving it up on rent; we know the right way to do that. Everyone wants to spiff up their house but within their budget and this can be done inexpensively. Remember your house’s condition affects the value at the time of selling. There are certain things that need to be acknowledged that can devalue your assets. Let’s get started, here are some tips that can be of a great help to boost your house’s value.

Simply by upgrading these things you can have a better place to live.

  1. Brew up your kitchen for real cook:

Kitchen is said to be the heart of the house. Ladies always look for the kitchen first, when they are on a house hunt. A neat and clean kitchen makes the cooking interesting. A little renovation here and there can boost the value of your house remarkably.

If you have a low budget think about changing the faucet set, handles, locks, cabinet doors, light fixtures. Add a more energy efficient lights. Clean up the tiles and make sure all the locks are working. Even putting wallpaper on one wall can change the entire look.

If your budget is high, give a makeover to your cabinets. Change the tiles and get the paint job done.

  1. Face-lifting your appliances:

Nobody likes rainbows in their house. A decent décor and appliances can do wonders. Keep a mix and match of everything. A white call can work with any color appliance, but if your doors are of different color and the appliances of different, it will give a messy look and no one wants to buy a messy looking house. Change the doors and add face panels.

  1. Clean up the bathroom:

The second important thing after the kitchen is bathroom. It should be shiny and neat as if it was never used. People are very particular about the toiletry. To give it a boost, change the toilet seat, here are some best toilet seats for you to choose from. Add a beautiful mirror and a spacious cupboard would be everything.

  1. Add more storage space:

Additional space apart from the store room is a win-win. Houses with spacious cupboards and big store rooms have more worth no matter how old they are. So adding more movable closets is an add-on.

  1. Add more rooms:

If you have a 2 bed dining and drawing room you can make it three bedroom houses. The dining room is different from a bedroom probably because it doesn’t have a closet, so by adding a closet you can make it three rooms.

  1. Fix all the electricity outlets:

Hire an electrician and fix all lose or dead wires. Make sure the voltage is proper. No faulty outlet should be left behind. A running electric wiring circuit is also a plus point to increase your house’s value.

  1. Let the sunlight come:

It is really important to let your house get enough amount of sunlight. It is basic thing for a good health; it kills unseen germs in the house naturally. Anything that blocks sunlight to enter should be removed.

  1. Go green:

Nature is always appealing. People when go on a house hunt looks for garden. If you don’t have one grows small indoor and outdoor plants. The natural look of your house will be eye catching for a nature person.

  1. Paint it over again:

A bad paint color choice can make a beautiful house look scary or dull. Keep the exterior natural and play with colors in the interior.

  1. Reframe exterior’s features:

First impression is the last impression. Make sure it’s a worthy enough to remember. Change your gate if it’s rusty or if you are low on the budget change the handle of the gate.

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Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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