Why Gutter Protection?

Last Updated on February 15, 2022 by Kravelv

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Most people don’t realize the role that rain gutters play in their homes. But hardworking as they are, gutters can still improve with the help of gutter protection systems. By directing water away from your home, gutters work to prevent moisture damage. But like other things in your home, they can become bogged down when gunk and junk accumulate. This is where gutter protection comes in.

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They keep your gutters clear

Over time, leaves, twigs, and other debris will accumulate inside your gutter, affecting how well it directs water away from your home. And if there are trees, there can be small animals, which also have a tendency to call gutters home, causing clogs with their nests. The more debris and other blockages there are, the more water flow will be hampered, increasing the likelihood of an overflow. You don’t want that. Getting gutter protection covers up your gutters so only water can pass through, meaning no leaves, no twigs, and no animals can take up residence on your gutters and cause problems.

They save you money

Because your gutters are kept clear, getting gutter protection allows you to save on costs in two ways. First, you get to cut back on costs associated with maintenance work. Gutter protection keeps debris out, essentially cutting maintenance frequency. When there’s less work to be done, this means less money to be spent, translating to more money in your pocket.

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Second, you get to cut back on costs associated with repair work. Repairs account for around 60% of the replacement cost for a gutter. If you were thinking of doing some patchwork, it might be more cost-effective to just replace your gutters. But you wouldn’t need repairs (and ultimately replacements) in the first place if you have gutter protection as this helps ensure optimum gutter health. A gutter in good shape is also less likely to aggravate ice dams, helping prevent the problem from worsening, which can requires re-roofing to remedy.

They keep you safe

Did you know that over 90,000 people make emergency room visits for ladder-related injuries every year? As getting gutter protection minimizes the need to clean gutters, this lessens maintenance frequency, which in turn lessens instances you have to be up on a ladder. You can lessen injury risk by learning the right way to use a ladder, but your risk level will still be dramatically lower if you don’t use a ladder to begin with. With you safe and sound on the ground, ladder-related injuries become a thing of the past.

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Gutter Protection Done Right

Gutter protection can come in different forms. To take full advantage of a system, pick the right one for your home. To do that, take the time to get to know each type. Ask questions to help you determine which one will perform the best. Working with a reputable contractor should also ease the selection process because you’ll have expert advice to turn to and help you narrow down options.



Author Bio:

Scott Lawrence is the proprietor of Aquaduct Roof and Gutters. Providing excellent installation services to customers is one of his business principles. His expertise and vast knowledge of the industry have let him help homeowners choose the best type of service to get for their home. Scott ensures that he reaches a wider scope of homeowners by coming up with a blog.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
