Why Choose Handmade Furniture over Mass Produced?

Last Updated on March 27, 2022 by Kravelv

When shopping for home furniture, it can be tempting to head to your nearest chain furniture retailer and buy a package for the sake of convenience’s sake. Something like handmade or custom-made furniture can seem like a luxury out of your reach, but in reality, is an extremely meaningful and worthwhile investment to make. So, why choose handmade furniture over the mass-produced furniture available in stores?

The Craftsmanship

The number one defining characteristic of handmade furniture is of course, the superior craftsmanship. The creator of the furniture has put days or even weeks into crafting the perfect item, resulting in a truly one-of-a-kind piece made especially for you. The quality of the craft is something that mass-produced retail chains simply can’t match, as they are primarily focused on creating as many items for the lowest cost possible

Appreciating the craftsmanship and the hours of manpower put into each item makes the furniture feel unique and meaningful. Supporting local business is also important, as your decision to buy handmade allows someone to continue making a living from their passion. With this knowledge, you begin to appreciate your item of furniture as more than just a coffee table or bookshelf.

The finish of an item is the most visible technical element of any handcrafted furniture piece, which sets it apart from factory-made furniture. A beautiful finish allows light to be drawn to the wood fibres, bringing out the true richness and beauty of the wood.


Handcrafted furniture pieces will generally be a higher standard than mass-produced furniture, as a true expert has crafted it instead of a machine. A furniture combination package may seem affordable at first but is not likely to last more than a decade, meaning you’ll have to replace it soon enough. A beautifully crafted handmade furniture piece, however, is designed to last a lifetime.


Another obvious advantage of handcrafted furniture is that the piece will be completely unique. Each item will turn out slightly different, and you can also put in your specific requirements to get a piece that perfectly suits your needs. Buying directly from a furniture catalogue will result in a home that looks exactly like everyone else’s: handcrafted pieces, on the other hand, allow you to truly express your unique taste.

The individuality of each item also gives them potential to become family heirlooms. A quality statement piece in your home can be passed down to loved ones, making it an investment that your family can continue to treasure for years to come.


Handmade furniture is a must for the environmentally conscious, due to how sustainable it is compared to other options. One major negative of mass-produced factory furniture that is often overlooked is how much it takes to keep churning out furniture. Energy, water and materials are all used in excess, and toxic emissions are created at these large factories, polluting our environment.

When items are handmade, however, no extra waste is created as the craftsman only works with what they need for that particular project. Additionally, many handmade furniture dealers only work with recycled Australian timber, ensuring a sustainable practice. It’s important to be conscious of the entire process, from the origin of the wood, how and why it was logged, and where it was milled, to ensure the most sustainable product possible.

By choosing handmade furniture, you can ensure that correct forest management practices are adhered to, and that carbon emissions are reduced by opting for indigenous wood or recycled timber.

Local Economy

Supporting local businesses is key to keeping your community thriving. By choosing local craftsmen and women who are passionate about their work over chain stores, you ensure that your money is going to people who truly deserve it instead of a multinational chain that is based overseas.

Ethical Considerations

Many international chains have been caught up in scandals involving their overseas factories where staff are mistreated and forced to work excessive hours. When you buy from a multinational company whose supply chain extends all around the world, you can never truly know whether all the work is conducted ethically. Ensure that you are not unwittingly supporting a sweatshop or unethical factory by directly dealing with local craftspeople.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
