7 Clever Ways to Save Money on a Bathroom Renovation

Last Updated on July 6, 2022 by Kravelv

Giving your bathroom a makeover can be one of the most exciting yet costly home renovation projects you can do. Depending on the scope of work, you can easily spend several thousands of dollars to give your bathroom a modern, spa-like feel.

Still, that doesn’t mean you have to go for the most basic fixtures so that you can save money. In this guide, we’ll give you some helpful tips on how to renovate your bathroom on a budget.

bathroom with blue tile

Why is bathroom renovation so expensive?

Even though your bathroom is one of the smallest rooms in the house, it requires several professionals to work together in order to renovate. These include plumbers, electricians, cabinet makers, tilers, and painters. Some of these tradesmen will have to come to your house several times to finish updating your bathroom.

Aside from that, a bathroom renovation will likely require you to purchase new tiles and fixtures. All of these add up and drive up the cost of bathroom renovation.

How to save money on a bathroom renovation

You don’t have to splurge on every aspect of renovating your bathroom. Here are some practical ways you can update your bathroom on a budget:

1. Work with a draftsman

If you have a clear idea of what you want for your bathroom and only need someone to draw up the plans, you might benefit from working with a draftsman. They can provide detailed construction drawings that contractors can refer to during the renovation process. In some ways, this can save you money instead of hiring an architect.

2. Maintain the layout

Moving the toilet, shower, or basin to another section of your bathroom may require extensive plumbing work. To save money, you can replace these fixtures but keep them in the same area.

Similarly, it’s best to keep the existing wiring in the same location. As long as everything is safe and up to code, avoid moving outlets and lighting fixtures.

3. Refinish fixtures

If some of your bathroom fixtures are still working, you can renew them instead of replacing them. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Resurface your bathtub
  • Repaint your bathroom cabinets
  • Replace the toilet seat and lid instead of the entire toilet
  • Add frames on existing vanity mirrors to hide signs of wear instead of replacing them completely

4. Choose economical tiles

A bathroom doesn’t have to be covered with designer tiles from floor to ceiling to look attractive. You can save money by using economical ceramic or travertine tiles but installing mosaic tiles or inlay pieces on accent areas like recessed shelves. You can also experiment with paint instead of tiles.

Aside from these options, you can keep your existing tiles and refinish them instead. You’ll be surprised how doing this can give your bathroom a refreshing new look without having to purchase and install new tiles.

5. Search online for tile and granite leftovers

A lot of people buy more materials than they end up needing. Try checking online or your local shops for some leftover tiles and granite you can use.

6. Try open shelving

Open shelving looks modern and elegant, and they cost significantly less compared to installing cabinets. If you’re iffy about the idea of having your toilet paper or towels out in the open, you can put them inside pretty boxes. You can even add some vases and pottery to really make your open shelves stand out.

7. Shop accessories in flea markets

While it’s not recommended to purchase used plumbing fixtures, you can always scour your local flea market for bathroom accessories. Look for antique mirrors, toilet paper holders, and lighting fixtures. Just be sure to ask your electrician first if the fixture meets today’s electrical code standards.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
