Tips for Creating a Stylish Kids’ Bedroom 

Stylish Kids Bedroom

Last Updated on April 18, 2023 by Kravelv

When you have kids, you want them to have their room so they become independent. The problem that most parents face is how they can make the rooms as safe and functional as possible without spending too much. It can be a challenge as most homeowners realise that they will have to redecorate or renovate the space after a few years. 

However, the secret to making a kids’ bedroom is to make it as simple yet stylish as possible. You have to consider a few factors when designing the room. You must understand that the room design will probably be outgrown in a couple of years, so you have to look into that. Fortunately, veteran designers and decorators have given people tons of ideas for making their kids’ rooms a haven.

Here are some things you need to consider.

Make sure there’s enough space

When choosing a bedroom for your kid, you need to consider that it will have to likely be a permanent room where they will grow up. You must select a room with enough space to accommodate a large enough bed and some furniture, such as fitted wardrobes, to make the area functional and safe. While you may need to redecorate the room after a few years, the layout may remain the same. 

Choose the right paint scheme

Consider using a tonal palette to create a warm environment for your child. Soft paint colours would be best so they can relax properly. You can also incorporate wall stickers and other similar decorations to personalise the space. If you want to paint a simple mural to customise the room to suit your child’s personality, by all means, you can do it. 

Incorporate storage spaces

Another thing to look into is how you can incorporate storage spaces. As a parent, you must plan for enough closet space to accommodate an increasing number of clothes. You also need shelving to put books and other mementos on display. You can use double-purpose furniture to make the space more functional. You can also consider using the spaces under the bed or above the cabinets to store other things.


Installing enough light fixtures would be crucial for your child’s safety. You can use dimmable light fixtures to help them sleep faster. You can also look into programmable LED lights to lull them to sleep or make them feel relaxed. Depending on their age, you can use floor lamps or table lamps for additional lighting.

Choose the right bed 

Selecting the right bed is another crucial component in room design. You can select a single or double-size mattress if the space is for one child. You can also consider a loft bed or a double- or triple-decker bed if you have several kids using the bedroom. Ensure that they’re sturdily built to prevent accidents, especially if the kids have a rowdy sleepover with their friends.


Creating a stylish and safe kids’ bedroom is a must for most parents. It’s necessary to incorporate various tips to ensure that the room remains spacious and functional as the children grow.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
