6 Things You Should Know Before Buying a Furnace System

Last Updated on March 30, 2022 by Kravelv

A furnace remains one of the best options to consider if you’re planning to install a heating system.

A furnace system can offer a lot of benefits. For one, it’s an efficient heating system for your home. The system’s efficiency is denoted by an Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating. The higher the AFUE, the more the furnace system can deliver to the relative amount of consumed fuel.

buying a furnace system

Typically, standard and natural gas burning furnaces have an AFUE rating of 78 to 84%, but they can go even higher. Additionally, a furnace system is capable of heating your home more rapidly. It has faster start periods and offers comfort to your entire home quickly.

If you plan to decide in investing a furnace system, it’s highly recommended that you research to ensure that you’ll make the most out of your money. So, before you make a purchase, here are some of the most important things that you need to know:

1. Size Of The Unit

Choosing the right size of the furnace is one of the most crucial things you need to consider. In terms of comfort, a more extensive system isn’t better at all times. And, when it comes to the price, a smaller furnace isn’t always economical.

The size of the furnace is measured in BTUs. Installing a system that’s too big will cause the furnace to cycle frequently, basically making it work harder than needed. The increase in operating expenses will put you at risk for a more frequent repair. What’s more, it will shorten the furnace’s life.

On the other hand, a furnace system that’s too small won’t thoroughly heat your home. It’ll also run at all times, thereby increasing your monthly electric bill. So, if you want to determine the correct size, consider seeking help from a licensed contractor.

2. Rebates

Energy-efficient furnace systems aren’t only good for the environment, but they’ll also allow you to save money. The more dynamic your furnace, the lower the monthly electric bills will be. Also, the most efficient system will let you obtain rebates to balance the overall price.

With rebates, you’ll be able to save a considerable amount of money from the beginning by obtaining money back from the seller or manufacturer. However, you can get cash in the form of local and state rebates, too.

Please note that manufacturers are also working with a lender to provide a great deal to their clients seeking more flexibility. For example, if you need to waive a lump sum expense upfront over a financing option.

3. Zoning

Zoning is another excellent way to enhance the comfort and efficiency of a furnace system while cutting down the energy cost. By utilizing several thermostats, you’ll be able to control the temperature in various places of your home independently.

Usually, two to three zones are made. Separating living areas from bedrooms or zoning by floor are great examples. In that way, you’re not paying to heat rooms, mainly when they’re not being used. You’ll also have the flexibility to permit different comfort levels depending on how these areas are utilized. For instance, you can set a warmer temperature in your living area and a cooler temperature in the bedroom.

4. Price Of The Unit

When buying a home heating system, like a furnace, don’t make a decision based on price. Overpriced systems and systems that are cheap can be a bad fit for your home. Thus, before you buy, consider your budget, needs, the acquisition purchase, and the costs over the life of the furnace.

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5. Ease Of Installation

Keep in mind that purchasing a furnace system isn’t as easy as going to the shop, grabbing one, and then returning it to your home. Depending on what heating infrastructure and utilities exist in your place, you may be looking at an additional labor cost aside from the system’s actual design price as the installation cost.

The easier the furnace is to install, the lower the labor cost, then getting a higher saving for the end-user. It’s also recommended to seek help from professionals. Remember, an incorrect furnace installation doesn’t only mean your heating system won’t work, but it can as well pose a danger to the family.

Hiring a professional furnace installer is highly recommended for safety. But how do you ensure you’re dealing with a qualified and experienced installer? You can check established HVAC specialists or companies in your area by searching online, in directories, and asking your trusted neighbors or close friends if they can refer one to you.

Make sure to interview the installer to gauge knowledge and skills. Ask the installer to narrate his training and experience in installing furnaces and other HVAC appliances. In that way, you’ll have peace of mind that you’re hiring an expert.

6. Fuel Source

The type of fuel your furnace system utilizes will have a significant effect on its everyday use. Every fuel source comes with both pros and cons, so make sure to weigh them out properly before purchasing.

When it comes to fuel sources, there are three standard options to choose from: electric, gas, and oil.

A gas furnace burns natural gas to heat the home. It’s energy-efficient, allowing you to save money. It’ll also reduce environmental impacts. However, it needs a connection to a natural gas line. With that in mind, if you want a furnace powered by gas, but don’t have natural gas at home, you’ll need to consider the labor and cost of mounting a connection.

Consumers in Georgia can shop for a natural gas supplier to get a low rate. Resources like NaturalGasPlans.com help them compare rates for natural gas. That helps them easily find the best deal for their home. You might want to also take advantage of natural gas and benefit from the energy savings and optimum furnace performance.

On the other hand, an electric furnace is a popular option since nearly every home has connections to local power lines. However, it doesn’t mean it’s the most economical. Heating using electricity is an inefficient process and will cause your electric bill to increase.

When choosing an electric furnace, check its features and benefits such as the temperature and flame control, ease of maintenance, energy requirement or average electricity consumption, etc. Make sure to buy an electric furnace from a trusted manufacturer or seller with a warranty. Also, ensure that it has clear instructions on how to properly install and use the appliance.

An oil furnace is an excellent option for homeowners in secluded places lacking connections to other utilities. This furnace is less energy-efficient, leaves you dependent on quite expensive fuel deliveries, and gives off a low air quality. However, that independence will make it a reasonable option.

Final Words

Installing a furnace won’t only make your home more comfortable, but it’ll also add value to your property.

By considering the things mentioned earlier, before you finalize your purchase, you’re more likely to end up with a furnace system that’ll offer an increased level of comfort in your home. What’s more, is that you’ll be able to get the best value for the money.

When you’re in doubt, the best thing for you to do is to seek help from a professional to ensure that you have the right furnace system.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
