5 Signs You Need To Rent A Self-Storage Unit

Last Updated on November 3, 2021 by Kravelv

Living spaces are getting smaller in the US, and homeowners struggle to manage in a limited area. You can well imagine the downside of living in a cramped space when even a single object seems hard to fit in. Thankfully, the concept of self-storage units has emerged as a popular option for American homeowners running short of space. You can access additional space to store your precious belongings and extra stuff without worrying about safety. Recognize these signs that indicate a need to rent a unit and opt for one sooner rather than later.

self storage unit with chairs and boxes

You are embarrassed about clutter

The last thing you want to deal with as a homeowner is an unending clutter. But you may end up with lots of extra stuff despite spring cleaning and decluttering your living space. Even worse, you may not want to eliminate things because you are attached to them. At some point, you will feel embarrassed about the clutter when a friend or relative drops in. Storing the extra stuff in a self-storage unit is a good idea as you may retrieve it later.

Your home appears unorganized

Even if your place is not cluttered, it may be unorganized when you do not have enough space to store your stuff. Imagine clothes spilling out of the closets or kitchen cabinets overflowing with appliances you seldom use. It is a sign to rent a storage unit and transfer the lesser-used stuff there. You can always get your things back when you need them down the line, and it will be easy to organize your home.

You are in the middle of a renovation project

A home renovation project is always challenging. Things tend to get disrupted as you cannot find a place to keep them. It is even harder to preserve valuables like wine, books, computers, and perishable items. You can move them to temperature controlled storage from The Lock Up while the project is on. Rest assured, you need not worry about the safety of your delicate belongings as they remain in good shape in an optimal environment.

You plan to downsize

Countless American homeowners downsize every year for various reasons. You may need less space as kids leave for college, or you may simply want to get back to the basics. It is not easy to fit everything in a smaller house when you move from a larger space. Hiring a self-storage unit is a good idea as you can place the extra stuff there. Once you settle, you may get some things back and sell others.

You need extra space for home office

As remote work becomes a norm in post-pandemic times, home offices are trending. You will have to create more space for your home office, which is challenging in a small house. Consider emptying a room by moving things to a self-storage unit and setting up your workspace there. You can get the stuff back once you get back to work and no longer need the home office again.

Self-storage units offer a safe space to house your belongings as long as you want. If you come across any of these issues, you must rent a unit right away.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
