6 Reasons Why Every Homeowner Should Have a Video Tour

Last Updated on May 26, 2023 by Kravelv

The term “video tour” may be a new to you, but it’s the best way to showcase your home. Video tours are exactly what they sound like: You take a video of your home and post it on the internet where potential buyers can watch.

Video tours are a great way to let people inside your home without the hassle of showing it. They’re also more effective at attracting buyers than a regular listing—and they can save you time, money, and effort when selling your home.

In this article, we will discuss the six reasons why every homeowner should have a video tour:

I. Increased visibility and exposure

Video tours can increase visibility and exposure for a property in several ways. First, video tours can attract more potential buyers or renters to a property listing. According to a study by the real estate website Redfin, listings with a video tour receive 403% more inquiries than those without.

Additionally, video tours can help a property stand out from other listings on real estate websites, as they can provide a more engaging and immersive experience for potential buyers or renters. Video tours can also be shared on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, which can further increase the reach and visibility of a property listing.

Overall, video tours can be a powerful tool for increasing visibility and exposure for a property, as they can attract more potential buyers or renters, help a property stand out from other listings, and be shared on social media platforms.

And if you are planning to make a video tour of your property but don’t know where to start, a video editor tool is the most convenient way to get help from. A video editor comes with so many features that you can leverage such as an audio joiner wherein you can combine audio files seamlessly and add to videos that flow naturally.

II. Convenience for potential buyers or renters

Video tours can provide convenience for potential buyers or renters in several ways. First, video tours can save time and effort for those who are interested in a property but are unable to physically visit it. Instead of scheduling an in-person showing, potential buyers or renters can view a video tour of the property from the comfort of their own home or office. This can be especially helpful for those who live far away from the property or have busy schedules.

Additionally, video tours can provide a more comprehensive view of a property than photos or written descriptions. With a video tour, potential buyers or renters can get a better sense of the layout, flow, and overall feel of a property. This can help them get a better idea of whether the property is a good fit for their needs before scheduling an in-person showing.

Overall, video tours can provide convenience for potential buyers or renters by saving them time and effort, and by providing a more comprehensive view of a property.

Here are some benefits of being able to view a property remotely:

  • Saves time and effort: Viewing a property remotely can save time and effort, as potential buyers or renters do not need to physically travel to the property to view it.
  • Convenience: Remote viewing provides convenience for potential buyers or renters who may not be able to visit the property in person due to distance, scheduling conflicts, or other reasons.
  • Safety: In situations where in-person viewings may not be possible or safe, such as during a pandemic or in areas with high crime rates, remote viewing can provide a safer alternative.
  • Better decision-making: Remote viewing can provide potential buyers or renters with a better understanding of the property and its features, allowing them to make more informed decisions about whether to pursue the property further.
  • Increased access: Remote viewing can increase access to a wider pool of potential buyers or renters, including those who may not have been able to view the property in person due to geographic or other barriers.

Overall, remote viewing can provide many benefits for potential buyers or renters, including saving time and effort, providing convenience and safety, and allowing for better decision-making and increased access to properties.

III. Saves time and effort for homeowners and real estate agents

Video tours can save time and effort for homeowners and real estate agents in several ways. First, video tours can reduce the number of in-person showings required to sell or rent a property. Instead of scheduling multiple showings for each potential buyer or renter, a video tour can provide a comprehensive view of the property that can help potential buyers or renters determine whether the property is a good fit for their needs. This can help reduce the number of showings required, saving time and effort for both the homeowner and the real estate agent.

Additionally, video tours can be used to pre-screen potential buyers or renters before scheduling an in-person showing. By providing a detailed view of the property, video tours can help weed out those who may not be serious about the property or who may not be a good fit. This can help save time and effort by reducing the number of unnecessary showings.

Overall, video tours can save time and effort for homeowners and real estate agents by reducing the number of in-person showings required and by pre-screening potential buyers or renters.

Showing property to multiple potential buyers or renters at once can provide several benefits.

  • First, it can create a sense of urgency and competition among potential buyers or renters, which can lead to higher offers or faster leasing decisions.
  • Second, it can save time and effort for the homeowner and real estate agent, as they can show the property to multiple potential buyers or renters in a single showing.
  • Third, it can help potential buyers or renters get a better sense of the property by allowing them to see how others react to the space.

Overall, showing a property to multiple potential buyers or renters at once can create a more efficient and effective selling or leasing process, while also providing potential benefits such as increased competition and a better understanding of the property.

IV. Greater detail and accuracy

Video tours can provide greater detail and accuracy than photos or written descriptions in several ways. First, video tours can show the layout and flow of a property in a way that photos or written descriptions cannot. By providing a visual walk-through of the property, video tours can give potential buyers or renters a better sense of how the space is laid out and how rooms are connected to each other.

Second, video tours can provide a more accurate representation of the property’s condition and features. Photos can be taken from specific angles or edited to make the property look better than it actually is, while written descriptions may use subjective language that can be interpreted differently by different people. Video tours, on the other hand, provide a more objective view of the property that can help potential buyers or renters get a more accurate understanding of its condition and features.

Finally, video tours can provide a more immersive and engaging experience for potential buyers or renters. By allowing them to “walk through” the property virtually, video tours can help potential buyers or renters envision themselves living in the space and get a better sense of whether the property is a good fit for their needs.

Overall, video tours can provide greater detail and accuracy than photos or written descriptions by showing the layout and flow of the property, providing a more objective view of its condition and features, and creating a more immersive and engaging experience for potential buyers or renters.

Here are some examples of how video tours can showcase unique features or layout of a property:

  • Highlighting architectural details: Video tours can showcase unique architectural details such as vaulted ceilings, exposed brick walls, or intricate woodwork that may not be immediately apparent in photos or written descriptions.
  • Showing the flow of the space: Video tours can provide a better sense of how rooms are connected to each other and how the space flows from one area to another. For example, a video tour can show how a kitchen opens up to a dining area or how a living room leads to a patio.
  • Demonstrating functionality: Video tours can demonstrate how different areas of a property can be used for different purposes. For example, a video tour can show how a spare room can be used as a home office or how a finished basement can be used as a playroom or entertainment space.
  • Providing a sense of scale: Video tours can provide a better sense of the scale of a property, particularly for larger or more open-concept spaces. For example, a video tour can show how a large living room can accommodate multiple seating areas or how a spacious backyard can be used for outdoor entertaining.

Overall, video tours can showcase unique features or layout of a property in a way that photos or written descriptions may not be able to capture, helping potential buyers or renters get a better sense of the property and its unique features.

V. Competitive advantage

Having a video tour can give a competitive advantage in the real estate market in several ways. First, video tours can attract more potential buyers or renters by providing a more immersive and engaging experience than photos or written descriptions alone. This can help the property stand out from other listings and generate more interest, which can lead to faster sales or leases.

Second, video tours can help potential buyers or renters get a better sense of the property and its unique features, which can help them make more informed decisions about whether the property is a good fit for their needs. This can save time and effort for both the buyer or renter and the real estate agent, as it can help ensure that only qualified leads are pursuing the property.

Finally, video tours can help real estate agents build trust and credibility with potential buyers or renters by providing a more transparent and objective view of the property. This can help establish the agent as a knowledgeable and trustworthy resource, which can lead to more referrals and repeat business.

Overall, having a video tour can give a competitive advantage in the real estate market by attracting more potential buyers or renters, helping them make more informed decisions, and building trust and credibility with real estate agents.

Standing out from other properties and attracting more potential buyers or renters can have several benefits in the real estate market.

  • First, it can increase the visibility and exposure of the property, which can lead to more inquiries and showings[1]. This can help generate more interest and competition among potential buyers or renters, which can lead to faster sales or leases and potentially higher prices or rents.
  • Second, standing out from other properties can help create a positive impression and perception of the property, which can increase its perceived value and desirability[2]. This can help attract more qualified and motivated buyers or renters who are willing to pay a premium for a property that meets their needs and preferences.
  • Finally, standing out from other properties can help differentiate the property from similar or competing properties in the same market, which can help it stand out and be remembered by potential buyers or renters[3]. This can help increase the likelihood of the property being selected for further consideration or even being chosen as the preferred option.

Overall, standing out from other properties and attracting more potential buyers or renters can have significant benefits in the real estate market, including increased visibility and exposure, higher perceived value and desirability, and greater differentiation from similar or competing properties.

VI. Long-term value

Video tours can provide long-term value for homeowners and real estate agents in several ways. First, video tours can serve as a valuable marketing asset that can be used to promote the property long after the initial listing period has ended. This can help attract potential buyers or renters even after the property has been taken off the market, which can help generate interest and potentially lead to future sales or leases.

Second, video tours can help real estate agents build their brand and reputation by showcasing their expertise and commitment to providing high-quality service. By creating professional and engaging video tours, agents can demonstrate their ability to market properties effectively and provide a superior experience for both buyers or renters and sellers.

Third, video tours can help homeowners and real estate agents save time and effort by reducing the need for in-person showings or open houses. By providing a more detailed and accurate view of the property, video tours can help potential buyers or renters get a better sense of the property and its unique features, which can help them make more informed decisions about whether to pursue the property further.

Finally, video tours can help homeowners and real estate agents stay ahead of the curve by leveraging the latest technology and marketing trends. As video marketing becomes increasingly popular and expected in the real estate industry, homeowners and real estate agents who invest in video tours can position themselves as forward-thinking and innovative, which can help them stand out and attract more potential buyers or renters.

Overall, video tours can provide long-term value for homeowners and real estate agents by serving as a valuable marketing asset, helping to build a brand and reputation, saving time and effort, and staying ahead of the curve in the real estate industry.

Reusing video tours for future listings or marketing efforts can provide several benefits for homeowners and real estate agents. By reusing existing video content, agents and homeowners can save time and effort, maintain consistency and branding across multiple listings or marketing efforts, increase the lifespan and value of the video content, and improve search engine optimization and online visibility.

This can help streamline the marketing process, reduce the need for additional resources or expenses, create a recognizable brand that can build trust and recognition with potential buyers or renters, maximize the return on investment, and attract more potential buyers or renters.

Overall, reusing video tours can provide a cost-effective and efficient way to market properties and maintain a competitive edge in the real estate industry.

In conclusion, video tours can provide numerous benefits for homeowners, including increased exposure, improved online visibility, reduced in-person showings, and long-term value.

By leveraging the latest technology and marketing trends, homeowners can create engaging and professional video tours that showcase their property in the best possible light.

Whether you’re looking to sell your home, attract potential renters, or simply showcase your property to a wider audience, video tours can help you achieve your goals and stand out in a competitive real estate market.

So why not consider creating a video tour for your property today and take advantage of the many benefits that this innovative marketing tool has to offer?

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
