Quick, Easy, and Green Cleaning Tips

Last Updated on March 16, 2022 by Kravelv

Look at the warning labels on most cleaning agents, and you’ll see disclaimers that they’re dangerous humans and animals. Yet when you’re using a spray or other chemical, you’re typically in close contact with it. Not only are you breathing in the fumes, but you’re probably getting residue on clothing and skin. It may shock you to learn that there are no federal regulations of cleaning products, and common cleaning products are loaded with dangerous chemicals that can be impacting your health and even the safety of your family. If you’re ready to embrace green cleaning methods, here are a few tips to help you get started.

Embrace the Big Four

The main ingredients for green household cleaning are lemon juice, salt, vinegar, and baking soda. With these supplies, some elbow grease and just a bit of patience, you can make your entire home shine. Use these products for your deep cleaning tasks and for quick cleanups in between visits from your regular service.

Clean the Microwave with Lemon

Lemon juice is anti-bacterial, and it smells great. Put the juice from about a half of a lemon into a cup of water in a microwave-safe bowl. Boil the solution in the microwave and then let it sit for about 10 minutes. The loosened particles will wipe right out, the microwave will look great, and everything will smell wonderful.

Tackle Oven Spills with Baking Soda

If there’s a big mess in your oven, then put baking soda to work. Spritz some water over the stain, sprinkle on baking soda, and then moisten it again with another spray of water. You can also wet a paper towel and lay it over the baking soda. You’ll need to let it sit overnight, but you’ll be able to wipe the gunk out without any harsh fumes or chemicals.

Polish the Furniture Naturally

Mix two parts olive oil with one part lemon juice to clean, shine, and nourish wood furniture. You’ll love the smell and beautiful shine. You can also pick up some lemon oil to make your wood furniture look like it was just varnished without the fumes.

Vinegar for Odors

Vinegar is great for removing odors, and this includes in your carpeting. Just pour vinegar in a spray bottle and mist it over the carpet. Allow it to soak in and then evaporate. It will remove the odor and leave your carpet smelling great.

Superior Cleaning with Salt

If you’re struggling with stubborn stains in your refrigerator or on glasses, then add a dash of salt to your dish detergent. It will serve as an abrasive without damaging the material, and it can leave the surface looking like new. This is a great solution for greasy pans, cast-iron pots, and even the refrigerator. You can also use salt in the laundry room. Soak blood stained clothes in cold saltwater before washing, and salt to your washing machine to brighten colors.

Natural Air Fresheners

Rather than bringing home sprays that will freshen your air, go with the natural solution. Simmer cinnamon sticks on the stove to make the house smell great. You can also bring in plants like philodendron to clean the air and help keep everything fresh.

Embracing green cleaning methods is great for the environment and your family. However, you don’t have to handle the grunt work on your own to reap the benefits. Professional cleaners are now offering eco-friendly options that you can feel fantastic about. If you want your home to look and smell great, then skip the harsh chemicals at the store and go with a solution that’s better for your pets and the atmosphere.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
