Made to Resist: Top Home Design Tips That Will Keep Away the Mold & Rodents

Last Updated on November 4, 2021 by Kravelv

The things humans make begin to degrade and return to nature before their construction is even finished. All homeowners experience the perpetual need for upkeep of the structures they live in, and many of these structures have certain features that make them attractive to rodents. They can also encourage mold growth. Here are some home design tips to resist rodents and mold taking over your home.

Stop Using Organic Materials

Your home likely includes a significant amount of organic materials used in its construction. Organics are anything that used to be alive. The problem is that organic materials are food for everything from mold to termites. Rodents will chew anything from wood to wires and will gather organic materials to make nests. Many homeowners are concerned with potential termite infestations, but mold can destroy wood, drywall, paneling, windows, doors and more. The best way to resist mold and critters when renovating—especially basements—is to use inorganic materials as much as possible.

Rethink Your Planting Beds

Those nice planting beds right up against a home provide a pleasant curb appeal. Tall pampas grasses, thick patches of leafy hostas and shrubbery are beautiful. They also are hiding places for rodents. That thick layer of mulch gets filled with bugs and grubs that are a smorgasbord that can attract mice and moles. When renovating your flower beds, consider plants that do not provide cover for rodents, and substitute organic mulch with pea gravel.

Seal Your Crawlspace

Crawlspaces are prominent in warmer climates, and this makes them even worse to have. Warmer climates provide more moisture. Mold needs warmth, moisture, and food to grow. Crawlspaces are a veritable breeding ground for mold. Rodents are also fond of crawlspaces for the protection from the elements and the easy access to pipe and wire pathways into your home. Crawlspace encapsulation seals the space under your home to protect from mold and rodents. Also, the experts at Perma-Dry Waterproofing & Drainage, Inc in Washington advise that up to 40 percent of the air you are breathing inside your home can come from your crawlspace. Encapsulating it protects the air inside your home from contamination with radon and mold spores that can be present in crawlspace air.

Add UV Light to Your HVAC System

Ultraviolet light kills mold. Adding a UV light to the air handling system of your furnace and central air conditioner is an effective way to control mold from establishing itself inside your heating and cooling system. There are different types of UV systems for HVAC systems from add-on UV lights to air sterilization systems. Killing mold in the indoor air your family breathes may also help provide some relief from respiratory symptoms to those who suffer from allergies or asthma.

Complete eradication of mold is only possible in clean rooms, and you are not likely to prevent rodents from using your yard as a home. However, the structure you live in and call home can be modified during renovations to keep out the rodents and greatly minimize the chances of mold growth getting established in your home. If either has ever been an issue, keep in mind the steps you can take to resist mold and rodents when you remodel.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
