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How To Prepare For A House Move

Moving to a new house is exciting yet can be a tedious process at the same time. For one, there’s the need to adjust to a new environment, meet new neighbors and friends and live in an entirely new space. More importantly, you’d also have to sort your belongings and prepare your new home.

While a house move might require a lot of effort, it’s workable. With a few insights, the process can be more manageable and efficient. That said, here are some tips and pointers you can keep in mind as you prepare for a house move.

1. Create A Plan And Packing Schedule

It’s said that failing to plan is failing to plan, and this saying is quite true in your move. For one, a plan can help you be organized in the packing and moving process. You can create a timeline and make a list of everything you need to pack. This can also allow you to make the necessary arrangements you’ll need, such as coordinating with moving companies like Goodfellows removals or other reputable companies.

To help you get started, identify when your moving day is. You could ask your landlord or the real estate agent when the big day is. From there, work backward and allocate your packing schedule. You can decide to start the packing process two to three months before the move to avoid the last-minute rush that could disorient things.

To be more organized, you can plan your packing sequence. For instance, you can allot your first weekend to pack the bedroom. You could plot the different tasks involved to complete this, from sorting your closet to packing other essentials. With such an approach, you’re less likely to miss out on packing some items.

2. Look For A Moving Company

One of the crucial decisions you have to make when preparing for a house move is whether or not to hire a moving company. While you and your family can do the task independently by hiring a van from a company such as, working with reputable moving companies can ease and lift the burden off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on other aspects of moving while they do all the heavy lifting.

To guide you in finding a moving company, here are some considerations to keep in mind:

With a service provider that has a license to operate, you’ll be assured they’re abiding by state laws and regulations. On the other hand, insurance can help ensure that your belongings are covered in case it gets damaged or lost during transit.

With those in mind, now is the perfect time to get removal quotes to compare several service providers. Ultimately, weighing the factors above and your budget, you can find the best company to work with.

3. Declutter Your Home

Decluttering your home is a crucial step in preparing for a house move. Essentially, it involves identifying and removing any items you don’t need or use in your home. In everyday living, you’ve probably bought something you didn’t need, and it ended up at the back of your cabinet, never to be used. Hence, the importance of sorting your things before the big move.

It’d help to start decluttering your closet since this is where you’ll find the most clutter. You can pick out the clothes you’ve worn once or twice a year, those that no longer fit you, and the worn-out ones. Generally, these are the clothes you could consider doing away with; you can donate them. For those worn-out, you can throw them away.

You could also declutter other spaces in your current home, such as the kitchen and living room. Sort your belongings into categories like recycling, donation, trash, or storage. As you go through your things, ask questions like how often you use them, whether or not they’re still working or functional, and how they will fit in your new place. This way, you can discard items you wouldn’t want to bring into your new home.

However, suppose there are items that you don’t want to dispose of and yet may not fit in your new house, finding a storage unit you can rent to store away your belongings can be helpful. These can be items that you may have an attachment to, large furniture and household appliances that may take up significant space in your new home, and even collectibles and other crafts.


A house move can be a significant milestone as you’ll be relocating to a new environment. The process can sometimes be tedious and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. You can use the tips and insights outlined above to help you get started in preparing for a house move.

Author Bio:

Leslie T. Lentz is an interior designer and runs a small-scale home design business. She has a passion for everything design and uses her free time to advise homeowners on best practices to adopt in their everyday life. During her free time, Leslie loves cooking and reading a good book.

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