Add Value To Your Property With These Home Renovation Ideas

Last Updated on November 3, 2021 by Kravelv

There are generally two reasons why people renovate their homes. The first is to upgrade their standard of living. And second is to elevate the resale value of the property. But is there a way to achieve both of these objectives?

The answer is YES. There are numerous home renovation ideas that can help spruce up the property as well as its overall value. Even so, remodelling projects require high investment, both monetary and in terms of time. Therefore, it is essential that you take every step very carefully. You need to consider the cost of investment and the value you’ll get during property valuation. 

house under renovation

So what are the renovation ideas that have a significant impact on the property’s value? Scroll down to find out!

Focus On Kitchen Modification

Remodelling your kitchen is the easiest way to add value to your house. Moreover, you can easily recover approximately 52% of the cost. Also, you need not spend thousands of dollars to make your kitchen look beautiful. You can upgrade the place by making small changes. For instance, you can repair all the appliances, replace the old hardware and install new cabinets.

In addition to this, you can also paint the kitchen, get an extra sink and replace the wooden door with a glass door. All these small changes will help spruce up the whole area. Moreover, a clean and organized kitchen will also grab the attention of family and friends. So, be ready to get compliments!

Upgrade Your Bathroom

Believe it or not, but your bathroom also plays a significant role in property appreciation. According to recent reports, you can recover almost 60% of the bathroom remodelling cost during the sale. Now the question is, what changes can you make in your bathroom?

Well, you need not worry about it. Even simple changes such as installing a shower or bathtub, in-built cabinet and adding mirrors can help improve the overall appearance. You can also add anti-skid tiles to make the area more protective. Nonetheless, keep the overall appearance neutral and simple. DO NOT paint vibrant colours or install very fancy fixtures, especially if you plan to sell the house later on.

Install A Swimming Pool

You might be aware of the fact that the outdoors play a vital role in attracting visitors. Thus, you need to ensure that it is looking marvellous. One way to do so is by getting a swimming pool. However, getting a pool is a one-time investment. So, you must search for good pool installation professionals who provide the highest quality service. Moreover, you should also discuss your requirements with professionals to get what you desire.

In addition to adding value to your house, having a pool also gives you the opportunity to host parties. But if you are not a party person, you can simply lounge around the poolside during a good sunny day. So, it’s a win-win.

Create An Extra Room

As your family starts to grow, having additional room becomes a necessity. However, this necessity will also offer great value during property valuation. Nonetheless, building a new room is a daunting task. That’s why we have an easy alternative for you.

Instead of building a new room, you can use the space you already have. Confused? Well, we are talking about using your basement to create an extra room. You can transform your basement into a living room, guest room or kids room. Besides that, you can also use a studio or a home office. Just clean the basement, install tiles and paint the whole place. After that, you can decorate it like any other room in your house.

Don’t Forget About Lighting.

The house’s lighting plays a vital role in elevating the architecture and design of the house. Moreover, it also affects the overall ambiance and mood of the place. Therefore, you need to ensure that the house is well lit. Change the interior setup to let the natural light come in. You can also install a valued ceiling to create an illusion of a bigger space. 

Along with this, you can also use vanity lights for the bathroom and kitchen cabinets. It’ll make the place look luxurious and modern. Likewise, you also need to pay attention to the outdoor lighting. Install LED landscape lights to brighten the outdoor space. You can also use hard-wired LED low voltage pool lights to amplify your swimming pool.

Update Your Home’s HVAC

Your home’s HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system is one of the critical components of home maintenance. You might not believe it, but many potential buyers check the heating and ventilation of the house during the home inspection. In fact, even if you are not selling your house, ensuring that the HVAC system is working properly is essential. Otherwise, it can lead to high energy consumption, thus affecting the overall utility bills.

Also, neglecting minor repair signs can result in a big expense in later stages. For starters, it can affect your and your family’s health. Therefore, you must take help from professionals to conduct regular HVAC checkups. If necessary, replace the outdated system.

Work On The Curb Appeal

When you are renovating your house, paying attention to the outdoors becomes as essential as indoors. That’s why you need to work on improving the curb appeal of the house. Paint the doors and windows. Use neutral colours as they are more appealing and also offer high value.

Additionally, you can also give a try to the outdoor living concept. Install an outdoor kitchen, and create a sitting area. You can also do all these things near your pool to turn your backyard into everybody’s favourite place (you as well as your family and friends). You can also plant flowers to make the place look more inviting and aesthetically pleasing.

To Sum It All Up!

All these upgrades will help elevate the overall price of your property. Moreover, these will also add an element of luxury to your house. Not to forget, having a well-designed and updated home means you can host as many celebrations and parties as you like and impress your guests.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
