5 home Improvements that Increase Resale Value

Last Updated on February 28, 2022 by Kravelv

Do you want to move out of your home one day? Are you living in a between-home until you can self-build or find the property you want to live in forever? If this sounds like you, then we have some hot takes on how you can up that resale value and get to that dream home all the faster.

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Here are the five home improvements you ought to make if you want to move house. It’s all about increasing the value of your real estate, and here’s how.

The 5 Home Improvements to Make If You Are Reselling Your House

Want to move out of your current home and into your dream property? Here are the 5 upgrades that will get you there faster.

1 – Landscaping

The top way to improve your home’s curb appeal is by upping your home’s surrounds. That means two things. One, painting, which we will cover momentarily. The other is improving your gardens or the surrounding landscape. Taking care of the exterior of your home has the effect of making the rest of it look idyllic. If your home is situated inside picturesque surroundings, it is far more likely to sit on the market for a shorter period of time. Landscaping can upgrade your home by more than 100% of the cost of your investment.

2 – Painting your Interior and Exterior

Painting has an ROI somewhere up above 100%. If you paint the exterior of your home, you are adding to that semblance of the perfect property in idyllic surrounds. If you paint the interior, you leave a fresh, clean feeling. The new owner walks into the home inspection and sees a property they could move straight into. A few coats of paint in neutral colours can also remove your stamp of style on the house. This may not be necessary, but if you like bright colours or bold prints, it’s for the best.

3 – A Loft Conversion

Adding a loft conversion to your home can be costly. On the other hand, you can fit two rooms up there. You could add another bedroom to your home, increasing the resale price by between £30k and £40k. You could also fit in another bathroom or small play room. A gaming room, perhaps? All of these extra spaces create an exceptional additional value on your home. It’s a big investment, but if you can’t move yet and you want to put your savings to work, this is an ideal project.

4 – Upgrade your Bathroom

A bathroom suite upgrade has that repeated effect that painting does. Nobody likes a grubby bathroom. For the price of new furnishings and a coat of white paint, you could increase your property value by a few thousand. A fitted bathroom doesn’t have quite the same ROI as buying fittings separately, just make sure everything is clean, white, and matching.

A fresh bathroom is one job a potential buyer will not look forward to doing themselves. A property for sale with a fresh bathroom already in place, is therefore a huge selling point to the average buyer. Think back to the last time you bought a home and what you thought of the bathroom. A grubby, grimy, or dirty room will put buyers off.

5 – Upgrade your Kitchen

Upgrading your kitchen can be sneaky. You don’t need to invest thousands on a matching kitchen set. Instead, replace the cupboard doors with something newer and trendy. Give the walls a lick of paint or run over your tiles with degreaser. You could paint the tiles, too. Make sure you touch up the gloss and keep the windows open for humidity purposes.

The kitchen is the heart of the home. It should feel warm and inviting. It is where any potential buyer will spend at least three meals per day. They will gather here, meet the family here, and sit at the table at 3 am to drink hot glasses of milk. Make them able to picture it and they will move in tomorrow.

The Bonus Round

As we all know, we can use sounds and smells to trigger buyers. Freshly ground coffee in the morning gives them the ability to picture morning coffee in your kitchen. Baked bread lets them envision baking there or sharing birthdays. All of the little touches that you can add to make your home seem comfortable will help you to sell. That doesn’t just mean upgrades, which means trying to think like a buyer, too.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
