A Guide to the Federal Solar Tax Credit: All You Need to Know

Last Updated on November 9, 2021 by Kravelv

Would you invest in an asset and make a substantial profit from it over a period of two decades or more? Real estate and stocks are great, but have you also thought of the solar industry?

Anyone who wishes to go green can access the Solar Tax Credit which automatically reduces how much they owe in taxes.

In this post, you would learn about the solar tax credit and answers to the FAQs on the issue.

house with solar panels installed

What is the Federal Tax Credit?

Photovoltaic installations come with a lot of benefits, but not a lot of people are excited about the cost. So, the authorities came up with a price subsidy to encourage people to purchase it. This subsidy is known as the Federal solar tax credit.

Every form of the Government’s Tax Credit is serviced by reducing the amount of income tax owed by the beneficiary.

What is the difference between a tax credit and a tax rebate?

A tax credit is an amount of money that taxpayers are permitted to subtract from the income taxes that they owe, thereby reducing the tax due.

A tax rebate is simply a tax refund. This refund is made to a taxpayer when they pay more tax than they owe. This money goes to a taxpayer even if they owe no tax.

Are you eligible for the solar tax credit?

Your eligibility for the federal energy tax credit for going solar depends on the factors.

  1. You must install your modules between the 1st of January 2006 and 31st of December 2023
  2. Installation location must be at your residence within the United States
  3. The electricity generated for an off-site community project does not exceed your home’s electricity consumption and is credited against your home’s electricity consumption. The IRS allows taxpayers to claim a section 25D credit for ownership of a community solar project.
  4. By law, an individual can get ownership of a solar PV system by financing it with a loan or purchasing it outrightly.
  5. Tax credit can only be obtained by solar system owners if the device is being installed for the first time.

How does the solar tax credit work?

The terms mentioned earlier must be met by anyone who intends to benefit from this investment tax credit (ITC). You may not be able to claim this incentive if you do not have any tax liabilities for the year. In this case, can claim it in the following years within the stipulated time frame.

Currently, the Solar Tax Credit Investment is at 26.0%. In line with section 25D residential ITC, householders can apply the incentive to their personal income taxes.

workers installing solar panels

What does the solar tax credit cover?

Qualified householders enjoy 26.0% of the federal solar tax credit that covers the following:

  • Wages for panel installation
  • Solar batteries and other energy storage devices are powered exclusively via solar panels.
  • Expense of panel
  • The expense of solar modules and installation such as mounting hardware, wiring, and inverters
  • Sales taxes for installation expenses in some states. For instance, sales exemption is 100% for solar panels in Florida. To enjoy these perks, ensure you work with verified solar installers and distributors like Innovate Solar.

How can you claim the federal solar tax credit?

You can get your ITC on solar panels investment when filing your annual form. Note that getting it can be affected if you implement solar energy on your property using IRS Form 3468.

Do other solar incentives affect how much you save?

Yes, other solar incentives or tax rebates do affect how much you save. These inducements can be in the form of rebates from state-sponsored programs, state tax credits, payments from green energy certificates, and rebates from the utility company.

Wrapping up

The costs for going solar is negligible compared to the benefits it offers. You get to cut down utility bills, boost the appraisal of your house where it is installed, avoid contributing to global pollution and enjoy rebates and inducements

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
