Door and Window Replacement: 3 Major Benefits of Professional Installation

Last Updated on March 24, 2022 by Kravelv

Replacement doors and windows are a huge investment for any household or business. When factoring in the cost of the installation job, it’s easy to get tempted to cut corners and try to do the work yourself, just to make the project more cost-effective. However, replacing doors and windows is rarely a DIY job, even for a competent amateur. It’s just too easy to damage the components with a small mistake or cancel out the advantages of purchasing them in the first place. Many people think that DIY is the way to go when you’re on a tight budget. What they don’t realize is that working with an experienced professional for your door and window installation can actually be a more practical solution. Here are five advantages you’ll get when opting for a professional door and window installation:

INSTALLATION PROCESS: Window experts follow a systematic process for hassle-free installation.

  1. Systematic Process

Door and window installation has complexities that require mastery to pull off properly. If you want your replacement project to be done as soon as possible, then you really need to turn to the pros. More than just the speed, it’s essential that the replacement is done properly, and professional installers can help you do just that. Many window contractors today have developed their own systematic installation process that covers all of the bases from start to finish. Here’s how a professional installation often goes:

  • Pre-Installation Measurements – Factory-trained professionals will take custom measurements to design windows and doors that will suit your unique needs.
  • Crew Arrival – On the date agreed upon, the installation crew will arrive at your home, armed with everything they’ll need to complete the replacement.
  • Pre-Construction Precautions – Before any work begins, however, furniture will be moved to free up space around the installation site, making it easier for the installation crew to do their work. Surfaces will also be covered to protect them from debris and the crew will wear protective footwear to make sure no dirt or mud is tracked inside your home.
  • Old Door and Window Removal – After setting up the area, the crew will now get started with removing your old doors or windows slowly but surely. Since you’re working with an expert crew, you can trust that the removal will be carried out without trouble.
  • Installation – Once your doors or windows are out, it’s time for the actual installation. Many homes have unlevel areas, so installers will take steps needed to create a level surface for your new doors or windows. After they are installed, new doors or windows are tested to ensure they are secure and are operating properly.
  • Weatherproofing – While professionally installed doors and windows will always fit right, they are not necessarily completely flush into your wall, meaning there will be small gaps between them. To remedy this, the installation crew will use insulating foam to fill the gaps, ensuring your door or window is airtight.
  • Finishing Touches – Insulating foam works but it’s not exactly pretty so it will have to be covered up. This is where interior trims come in.
  • Cleanup – Once everything is in place, cleanup will commence. Aside from removing all debris and tucking away tools and equipment, the installation crew will also put back your furniture and return everything to where they were before the replacement work began.

Expert installation practices ensure windows are properly sealed, keeping them airtight to boost overall home insulation.

  1. Faster Installation

After purchasing new windows and doors, you’ll naturally want the installation to be completed quickly and without major disruption. Your best bet is to hire a professional, as completing the job yourself, without the right tools and experience, can slow down the process. An expert installer can assess any potential issues before they arise, dramatically reducing the disruption to your home and schedule. If you have a deadline in mind, an expert installer will also work with you to meet that deadline without cutting corners on the quality of your replacements.

If you have a deadline in mind, a professional installer will come up with possible ways to help you meet that deadline without sacrificing quality.

  1. Strong Warranty Coverage

Another remarkable benefit – especially for your peace of mind – is that expert installers provide strong warranties on your replacement doors and windows. When you take the DIY route, you’ll never enjoy the benefit of having warranty-protected windows. Not all warranties are created equal, though. For your complete satisfaction, look for a contractor that offers comprehensive coverage on both the material and labor used for your project. This way, you won’t need to spend extravagantly on repairs down the line caused by product or installation errors.

What to Look For in a Professional Contractor

When investing in a door and window replacement project, you’ll want to make sure that you’re working with the right people. Replacing your old doors and windows and doors is a serious job, after all, that when done right, can significantly increase the value and curb appeal of your home, as well as help you save on your energy bills so you want to make the most of it.  

To get started, here’s what you should look for:

  • License – A license signifies that a contractor has passed the requirements set by your state. While licensing requirements may differ from state to state, meeting them at the least means a contractor is a legitimate business.
  • Experience – You’ll want to work with a contractor who knows what they are doing and nothing proves that like years of work in the area. Don’t hesitate to ask for references as well so you can check with old customers about their experience working with the contractor you’re interested in.
  • Insurance – One of the best things about working with professionals is that there is sufficient planning involved to ensure a replacement project’s success. However, accidents do happen. And while no one ever expects that one will occur on the job they are involved in, it still pays to be prepared with insurance. Contractors with coverage can protect you against liability relating to injuries or damages to property arising from an untoward incident.

Getting new doors and windows can be a significant investment so you’re going to want it done right the first time. And if that’s what you want, you can’t go wrong with choosing to work with an expert for your door and window needs.


Author Bio:

Kathryn Ruth is Renewal by Andersen Seattle’s marketing head. With over 10 years in the replacement window industry, she has first-hand experience and knowledge of different window projects, which she shares alongside window replacement tips and industry reports on the company blog. Check it out for updates from Kat!


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
