Dangers of DIY Roof Repair

Last Updated on February 17, 2022 by Kravelv

The Internet has given us practically limitless access to various resources, helping us make better decisions about almost anything – including home improvement. Today, it is easy to simply go online and find step-by-step guides on fixing our homes’ damaged exteriors by ourselves, which can help us save significantly on repair or replacement costs in the process. But our DIY projects should NEVER include roofing. Here are some reasons why.

Improper Practices

When you opt for DIY roofing, you run the risk of improper application of some materials, which can result in compromised functionality, weather protection, and energy efficiency. Re-roofing, for instance, involves many technical nuances that a layman may miss out on. One example: Most people start off the job using three-tab shingles when they should start with the special starter materials provided by the manufacturer. Improper nailing practices can also damage shingles, while insufficient flashing or venting may lead to a host of issues, from leaking to health concerns.

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Safety Issues

Taking on roofing issues by yourself also means, in most cases, actually climbing up onto the roof – which poses a serious threat to your safety. There are various factors that are critical to the safety of the entire project, such as securing the work area from sources of danger, like power lines and underground hazards, for instance. Safety equipment and tools should also be vetted to make sure they are up to scratch. Ladders should conform to local codes, or be approved by Canada’s Centre for Occupational Health and Safety.

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Warranty Voids

Some manufacturers prescribe specific conditions for repairs or maintenance, and they must be followed down to the letter – or you risk having your warranty voided. For example, some warranties prohibit coating asphalt shingles. Others limit cleaning methods that you can employ, depending on the roofing material that you have. And modifications – especially involving installing roof penetrations – may also automatically void your warranty.

DIY roofing is often meant to save you money while effectively taking care of your roofing issues. But if handled wrong, it can give rise to even bigger, more complicated issues. So what do you do if you need work done on your roof on a limited budget?

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  • Know what your warranty covers. Understanding your coverage is important to making decisions that will not – in a sense – have you jumping from the frying pan into the fire. If you need something repaired, you may just be surprised to learn that your comprehensive warranty will almost always cover it – and that you do not need to work on it yourself.
  • Look for contractors who offer competitive pricing. Not all contractors in British Columbia attach hefty price tags to their services. You can find professionals who offer free consultations and inspections, so you will have a complete idea of what needs to be done, and the value you stand to gain from giving a project the go-signal. Also, choose a contractor with a standing partnership with a trusted manufacturer. Doing so will assure you of high-quality products that will have a longer lifespan (thus helping you save on repair and maintenance costs). These products will also likely be covered by comprehensive warranties to boot (which will help you further save on costs).


Author Bio:

Jason Bradley, President of Crown Roofing, counts on Integrity, Honesty and Quality as the traits you expect and deserve from a business that was founded in 1902. Their customers have come to rely on Crown Roofing for the kind of quality work – and quality experience – that makes the roofing process a pleasure.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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