Cost-Effective Tips in Getting Rid of Dampness and Humidity Inside Your Home

Last Updated on April 16, 2022 by Kravelv

Having dampness and humidity in your home can be a massive problem. There are a number of reasons why this could happen and the result is often damage to walls and furniture, caused by mold and mildew.

In fact, too much dampness at home can even lead to health problems in the long term.

Fortunately, this is an issue that you can sort out reasonably easy once you put your mind to it and use these following tips.

Find Out How Big the Problem Is

Your first step should be to find out how big a problem this is. Is it worse than it looks or is it perhaps the case that the issue isn’t as bad as you first thought?

To find out how bad the humidity is you can use one of the handy moisture testers for your home. In this way, you will quickly understand whether the action is needed urgently or not.

This is a low-cost device that you can simply use anytime that you feel that there is a risk of the moisture in your home building up too much.

Consider the Home’s Ventilation

One of the causes of having a home with too much moisture in it is poor ventilation. If the air inside doesn’t circulate properly then there is a big risk that moisture can build up over time.

Installing air conditioning is a very effective way of sorting out this problem by cooling and circulating the air in the house. However, if you don’t want to go to the expense and hassle of doing this then you can simply ensure that the windows and doors are opened enough to ensure good ventilation.

This is especially important if the air inside the home is warm and damp but it is cooler outside. Good ventilation will ensure that the cooler, drier air from outside removes the dampness from your home while cooling it at the same time.

Don’t Hang Wet Clothes Inside the House

A fairly common reason for dampness and humidity is that people hang wet clothes up to dry in their house. While this may be a far more convenient approach than hanging them outside, it can lead to moisture levels building up far too high.

Even if you hang them over radiators to dry quickly, the damage can still be done as the warm, damp air causes your humidity levels to rise.

Therefore, a very simple step is to stop putting wet clothes out to dry at home. If you don’t have an outdoor space to do this maybe consider a balcony, a terrace or somewhere else where no damage can be done.

Be Careful when Cooking and Showering

Cooking and showering are a couple of the occasions when your home is at risk in this respect. Leaving an uncovered saucepan or kettle boiling for a long time can add lots of moisture to the air, as can leaving the shower running.

By being extra careful with these tasks you can help to keep your home’s humidity levels at an acceptable level without making any great changes to your lifestyle. Of course, simply keeping a window open while you cook or shower will allow the warm, damp air to escape more easily too.

Use a Dehumidifier

Dehumidifiers are extremely useful devices that you can use when a room starts to get damp and musty. They are easy to use and will make an immediate improvement in your home’s air quality.

Of course, there are different types of dehumidifier around and you will want to choose the right one for your needs. For example, the size of the room and the level of dampness will determine how big a model you need and what capacity it should have.

It is also important to bear in mind that you shouldn’t fall into the habit of using one of these devices all the time. It should only be used when it is needed, which is typical during the warm summer months.

Remove Any Damp or Mouldy Furnishings

If dampness has already caused any problems in your home then you will want to take urgent steps to stop it getting any worse. This means quickly identifying any furnishings, clothes or other objects that have become damp and moldy.

You can then wash down any walls or other surfaces that have got mold on them. Once you start using the other tips on this list then you will feel confident that your home is now going to be a lot more comfortable and healthier to live in.


While dampness and humidity can be a big problem in any house, stopping it in its tracks is a lot easier than you might think. By following these tips you can avoid the risk of mold at home without spending much money on it.


Author Bio

Simon is a home repairs expert who has carried out numerous home and garden product reviews to help discover the best products for a better lifestyle on any budget.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
