Common Misuse and Abuse Windows Suffer From Homeowners

Last Updated on February 28, 2022 by Kravelv

Our windows serve many purposes. Primarily, they allow us views of the outdoors, provide light and ventilation, and help us to enhance our home’s curb appeal. They keep us safe against the elements and, in these modern times, even help us curb energy loads. As such, it is only right that we take every measure necessary to make sure they perform well. The problem, however, is that we sometimes do things that actually damage our windows – and some of them are so innocuous they pass off as harmless.

Not repairing damaged parts

A broken exterior trim will not immediately cause the complete structural breakdown of your window, nor will a malfunctioning hinge. But damaged window components can contribute to the eventual dysfunction of the entire unit. Broken trims, for instance, can escalate warping and rotting – which may necessitate premature replacement of your windows.

Not fixing condensation problems

Condensation formation on your windows is not always a bad thing, but if there is too much of it, it can lead to mold formation. And mold does not only threaten you and your family’s health; it can also directly affect your windows. The Environmental Protection Agency recommends immediately drying the wet surface and then finding the source of high humidity in your home when your windows show alarming amounts of condensation.
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Applying coating on the interior of multi-pane windows

Tinting the interior panes of multi-pane windows is a good way to block heat out, and keep it from entering your home. But the heat that it reflects away from the home can bounce onto the other panes – which can lead to the deterioration of the interior seals. So, if you must use window tints, we recommend applying them on the exterior of the window. However, you also best make sure to use high-performance tints so they can properly weather the elements.

Not installing protective accessories

Windows should be able to take on the elements, but they need help in doing this. Installing storm shutters, for instance, is one of the best ways to preserve the integrity of your windows – while also protecting your home from inclement weather. Caulking and weatherstripping are also important measures towards providing a tighter seal against heat and cold, depending on the season.

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Not conducting routine inspections

Routinely checking your windows for signs of damage is also critical. More often than not, window damage results from the escalation of minor issues. Save on the possible hassles and costs by looking for the following:

  • Rotting, cracking, or missing window trims
  • Poor insulation
  • Presence of drafts when a window is closed
  • Issues with opening or closing
  • Condensation between the panes

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When you spot these signs, immediate action must be taken. And in most cases, this means delegating the work to a professional. A trained eye can look at a problem and see the possible causes, the possible ways it can worsen and – most importantly – the possible ways to prevent the problem from getting bigger. Just make sure your chosen window professional is licensed or registered (depending on the requirements of your state), offers comprehensive product support and warranties, and delivers excellent customer service.


Author Bio:

Aaron Kerrigan founded Kerrigan Roofing & Restoration LLC in 2008 during his education in Ohio State University. He developed a taste for the business when he worked as an independent consultant for two local roofing companies.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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