Basic guide to roof repairs during winter

Last Updated on February 25, 2022 by Kravelv

When it comes to roof repair, most people will recommend getting your roof fixed before or after the winter season. What makes winter such a “bad” time for roof repairs? And what if immediate repairs are needed despite the season?

Roof repair in the middle of the winter season isn’t totally impossible. It’s just that there are at least three deterrents to carrying out otherwise routine roof repairs during winter, simply because they can turn any roof project into a challenging task. These include:

Snow – small amounts of snow on the roof can easily be brushed off, but a thick layer of snow can keep someone from spotting roof problems that could’ve been easily seen a few months before, under better weather conditions. There’s also the fact that snow has to be shoveled off the surface before any work can be done on your roof.

Ice – When snow melts into water, the cold winter temperature can quickly turn it back to solid ice. Not only is solid ice more difficult to remove, accidentally stepping on a patch of ice can cause someone to slip and fall off the roof.

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Cold – The cold winter air itself can also affect how well a roof project will go. For example, some sealants tend to set in slower when subjected to colder temperatures, and most roofing materials tend to contract when cold (which means adjustments need to be made to allow enough space for the material to expand as it gets warmer).  Last but not least, despite the lyrics to a popular song, the cold CAN bother someone working in freezing temperatures. The cold really does make even the simplest tasks more complicated than they should be.

However, while these factors may make roof repairs more difficult, that doesn’t mean you should grin and bear it, or resign yourself to having a very cold winter season because there’s something wrong with your roof. Some roofing professionals are more than willing to offer emergency roof repair services even during the coldest months of the year. These people are armed with the things any roof expert needs to deal with the problems caused by snow, ice, and cold.

Experience – having worked on a lot of roofs, experienced roofers can figure out the necessary adjustments to make a roofing project work despite the possible challenges the winter season might bring. In many cases, they may even come up with ingenious workarounds to get the expected results.

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Tools and materials – Tools used by experts that work during winter are specifically designed to perform just as well in the cold as they do during warmer times of the year. These also include special glues, sealants, and other roofing materials that can be safely installed during winter.

Service – To keep your roof extra safe during winter, these pros make sure they can provide post-repair services as needed. Good service warranties and roof care tips may not seem like much, but during a season where even the smallest problems can cause major headaches, you’ll find that even the smallest things can count for a lot.


Author Bio:

John Rogers is president of Rogers Roofing. He regularly shares his vast experience in roof repair and installation through online articles and blog posts. During his free time, he enjoys playing baseball with his sons.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
